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[2023-8-4 16:13:40]


My View on the "Superstructuralism Group Exhibition" of Shangyuan Art Museum in Beijing


The "Superstructuralism Group Exhibition" sponsored by Shangyuan Art Museum in Beijing and curated by Tang Jun and Zhan Mingzhao has more than 40 artists from home and abroad. The artists created a special "super Structuralism" feast with their own professional paintings, animations, characters, sculptures, action arts, etc. In these works, it is hard not to mention that these artistic techniques are similar to or even imitated by some older masters (such as Cubism, Surrealism, Post-Impressionism, etc.), and there is no significant difference or deliberate weirdness in the dynamic planning of the entire exhibition hall. So, why is this group exhibition so special? Where is the ’super’ again?

上苑艺术馆法国驻留艺术家Tristan Tréhin(雕塑作品)

熟悉欧美艺术、语言和社会(发展)的人肯定对结构主义、解构主义、后结构主义等重要的术语相当熟悉,对几个知名的代表性学者及其论点自然也如数家珍。但什么是“超”结构主义?Michel Foucault混用系谱学和诠释学而创造出的“诠释解析法”,以不同的结构主义和诠释学角度来理解人类和社会,被Hubert L. Dreyfus和Paul Rabin写下Michel Foucault: Beyond Structuralism and Hermeneutics(1982)。此书向他提出赞誉和挑战,然而”beyond”也并非本次“超”结构主义之意。

Those who are familiar with European and American art, language and society (development) must be quite familiar with important terms such as Structuralism, Deconstruction and post Structuralism, as well as several well-known representative scholars and their arguments. But what is "super" Structuralism? Michel Foucault mixed Genealogy and hermeneutics to create an "interpretive analytic method", which understood human beings and society from different Structuralism and hermeneutics perspectives. Michel Foucault: Beyond Structuralism and Hermeneutics (1982) was written by Hubert L. Dreyfus and Paul Rabin. This book puts forward praise and challenge to him, but "beyond" is not the meaning of "beyond" Structuralism this time.


众所周知,语言、符号、权力结构和文化意义是构建我们对世界的理解和认知的主要要素,透过Michael Bakhtin的“对话”论,以及后结构主义等对传统提出的挑战,Jacques Lacan、John Berger也从观视权力的角度,重新思索其中的位置/地位(position)的含混、暧昧与复杂性。

As we all know, language, symbol, power structure and cultural meaning are the main elements to build our understanding and cognition of the world. Through Michael Bakhtin’s "dialogue" theory, as well as post Structuralism and other challenges to tradition, Jacques Lacan and John Berger also rethink the ambiguity, ambiguity and complexity of position/position from the perspective of visual power.



In 2019, Tang Jun put forward the concept of "super Structuralism" for the first time in his article "Art, Science and Practice of Super Structuralism", which defined "super space-time structure" as the source of super Structuralism, and believed that:


The structure of super time and space is hidden in all aspects of Chinese art, as well as revealed by relativity and quantum mechanics in science.


Chinese ink painting, Jiangnan gardens, dramas, and other forms of art contain a super temporal and spatial structure. Superstructure, also known as the abbreviation of "hyper spatiotemporal structure".


And super Structuralism is the full re expression and anime creation of the concept of super space-time structure based on art and science.


在Michel de Certeau的重要论著The Practice of Everyday Life(1980)中,他提出一个特殊的论点:日常生活的运作方式是在他人的领地上偷猎,使用文化中已有的规则和产品,其方式受到这些规则和产品的影响,但又不完全由其决定。从汤军所说的中国山水画的“散点透视”,到不同区域的人的“现象回归指数”;从帕特农神庙到中国的江南园林,都是从古至今,人类日常生活中在一片看似规则的策略运作下,所呈现的透视、逆反、个人主体与大化衍成之间的反制或交合结果。

In Michel de Certeau’s important work, The Practice of Everyday Life (1980), he proposed a special argument: the way daily life operates is by poaching on the territory of others, using existing rules and products from culture. The way of use is influenced by these rules and products, but not entirely determined by them. From Tang Jun’s "scattered perspective" of Chinese landscape painting to the "phenomenon regression index" of people in different regions; From the Parthenon to the Jiangnan Gardens in China, all of them are the results of perspective, rebellion, reaction or combination between individual subject and Dahua development under a seemingly regular strategy operation in human daily life from ancient times to the present.



So, in the exhibition hall, we saw the ink and wash painting of "doing one thing in one’s life", the "State of Water" with water flowing across the ceiling but not dripping, and the ironic animation "8 minutes clearance sale". We lamented that the grand narrative (peace, country, rights, love...) we talked about everyday was so vulnerable. In these "super space-time structure" works of art, we see the daily life of art, but also see the power of art. They freely shuttle and combine, just like this superstructuralism exhibition.

谢静国 2023/8/3

Xie Jingguo, August 3, 2023


Assistant Professor, Department of Chinese Language, Soochow University, Taiwan


Assistant Professor, Interregional Performing Arts Research Institute, Taiwanese art University

上苑艺术馆驻留艺术家詹明昭作品 《布吉岛》,软陶+石头,10x11x18cm,2022

上苑艺术馆驻留艺术家詹明昭作品 《布吉岛》,软陶+石头,10x11x18cm,2022


李博《尤利西斯》, 布面油彩,80x160cm,2018

上苑2023驻留艺术家 Michael Downs(澳)《能量2》,混合媒介,152x168cm,2023


【上苑评述】大卫 布鲁贝克(David Brubaker)在“超结构”展的发言
【上苑展讯】超结构主义线下群展 征稿启事
【上苑展讯】驻留艺术家Ludwika Ogorzelec 作品展在英国
【上苑评述】“超结构主义群展”观后感 | 王德才​​
【上苑新闻】美国州立大学与学院协会(AASCU)+ 中教国际教育交流中心 一行人造访上苑艺术馆黄山驻