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上苑艺评 / 王跃奎:神遇迹化——读刘和森新水墨作品

[2022-8-13 10:51:20]

Wang Yuekui: God meets trace -- Reading Liu Hesen’s new ink painting works


策展人: 惠书文 
Curator: Huishuwen
学术主持: 杨云  武少宁  
Academic Chair: Yun Yang   Wu Shaoning
开幕时间: 2022/8/06,15:30
Opening:On August 6, 2022, 3:30 p.m.
主办单位: 北京上苑艺术馆
Sponsor: Shangyuan Art Museum, Beijing
Contemporary visual art research center of Guizhou Normal University
展览地址: 北京市怀柔区桥梓艺术公社上苑艺术馆
Location: Shangyuan Art Museum of Qiaozi Art Commune, Huairou District, Beijing
媒体支持:雅昌艺术网 百度新闻  搜狐新闻  日头条  凤凰新闻 腾讯新闻  一点资讯  网易新闻  uc新闻   艺术头条  360新闻     卓克艺术网  阿特艺术网



文 / 中国国家画院 王跃奎







                                     中国国家画院 王跃奎



Wang Yuekui: God meets trace -- Reading Liu Hesen’s new ink painting works

Divine encounter trace

——Read Liu Hesen’s new ink painting works / Wang Yuekui of the National Academy of painting of China

Shi Tao once said, "mountains and rivers are transformed by God’s encounter", which is the highest realm of image expression. Shi Tao expressed his heart through Lin Quan and Yun Shan

The feeling of seclusion and complacency in order to show a broad-minded mind. Reading Liu Hesen’s ink and wash works today is refreshing and vivid

The thought is also.

First of all, He Sen’s paintings use ordinary objects and traditional ink materials to express philosophy, enlighten people’s minds and make people daydream. His paintings are not only visual

It has the beauty of wisdom, connects heaven and earth, retreats into meditation, is full of deep meaning, and understands the universe and eternity from all natural phenomena, leading Understand life and life. Landscape, trees, cities, roads, planes, ships and other common scenes, sofa, water cup, toothbrush, comb Children, toys, clocks, scissors, umbrellas and other ordinary daily necessities, mobile phones, schoolbags, inkstones and other ordinary appliances, as well as birds and insects

Fruits, drink bottles and other common things, as well as vague objects and so on, are all inclusive, which can be painted like a montage image

Combination makes a new idea. This is the essence of Chinese artistic expression, such as the bookofsongs and the book of changes, which use similarity and correlation

Thinking is more meaningful than thinking.

Secondly, Hosen’s paintings use the point of ink deposition traces and the overlapping of shades as the main artistic language. Sediment trace and inking point concealment

It contains the way and state of object image existence, and implies profound meanings such as eternity and time, life and existence. Material expression and philosophical thinking

Blending, so that the artistic language can further strengthen the profound expression of ideological content. This so-called perfect combination of content and form.

Third, Hesen actively explored the artistic language and used the new ideas of materials, so that the traditional material of ink and wash burst into new life

Life force, showing a new visual presentation, is invaluable.

Pen and ink should follow the times, and art is always exploring new expressions and inheriting

On the basis of Chinese traditional art spirit, integrating the spirit of the times and new language is the road of Chinese art. from ancient to modern times,

It’s true.

Hesen’s work "the second prisoner of the new mountain and water series" has novel language and unique environment, which fully excavates the new meaning of traditional materials. New water

Mo Series 2 is based on Leonardo da Vinci’s the last supper, and story series 3 is based on fan Kuan’s travel map of Xi and Shan, both of which are

The new work with the old title is ingenious in conception, unique, profound, different from the original work, and rich in cultural philosophy.

There is no end to art. Hesen still has a lot of room to explore and move forward. Bless Hesen to go further and further on the road of art in the future,

The more you go, the better!

China National Academy of painting wangyuekui


图片 作品选登/Selected Works


《新实验水墨系列日常史诗物语11》 纸本水墨 150*150cm  2019


《新实验水墨系列日常史诗 3》 100* 200CM   纸本水墨 2019


《新实验水墨系列日常史诗物语12》 纸本水墨 150*150cm   2019


《新实验水墨系列日常史诗 4》 100* 200CM   纸本水墨  2019


《新实验水墨系列日常史诗16》 50* 50CM   纸本水墨  2019


《新实验水墨系列日常史诗17》 50* 50CM   纸本水墨  2019


《新实验水墨系列日常史诗18》 50* 50CM   纸本水墨  2019


《新实验水墨系列日常史诗19》 50* 50CM   纸本水墨  2019


《新实验水墨系列日常史诗20》 50* 50CM   纸本水墨  2019


《新实验水墨系列日常史诗21》 50* 50CM   纸本水墨  2019


《新实验水墨系列日常史诗22》 50* 50CM   纸本水墨  2019


《新实验水墨系列日常史诗23》 50* 50CM   纸本水墨  2019


艺术家 |






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Liu Hesen
Born in Yunnan
Graduated from oil painting studio 4 of Yunnan Academy of Art
Solo exhibition
2017 "mood" may / Liu Hesen double solo exhibition, Kunming chuangku yuanshengfang Gallery, China
2022 story Liu Hesen works exhibition, Shangyuan Art Museum, Beijing, China
Major exhibitions
2011 Chengdu, China · 2011 national young artist Nomination Exhibition Chengdu Art Museum, China
In 2014, Kunming "arrived as scheduled" Art Gallery of Yunnan Normal University, China
In 2015, Kunming "arrived as scheduled"
Xi’an artists’ works exchange exhibition Xi’an, China
2017 new forces of art exhibition of young artists Kunming Cultural Museum, China
The fourth "left West, right east" Sino American excellent art exhibition, Shanghai, China
"The bound edition has not been completed"
Kunming moss Gallery, China
2018 Hunter quality International Contemporary Art Biennale, Zhengzhou caiboxart Museum, China, Zhongshan Art Museum, Gu Yuanmei
Art Museum Chongqing witness contemporary art space
Shangyuan Art Museum 2018 international creative program < art residence > opening exhibition Beijing, China
2018 international creative program of Beijing Shangyuan Art Museum < art residence > resident artists
Yishijie national contemporary painting exhibition Tianjin Binhai Art Museum, China
2019 Wuwen West East China France Contemporary Art Invitational Exhibition Shanghai, China
The power of tragedy Beijing Contemporary Art Exhibition Beijing, China
Dynamics - the first Chinese expressionist painting tour exhibition, Feng Art Museum, Beijing, China, Suzhou fanrongmei
Art Museum Shanghai World Hello Art Museum
2019 Summer Exhibition of great artists Shanghai Yinuo Art Museum, China
The third contemporary international ink painting design Biennale in 2020
2020 Wujing ---- Kunming Yuhua Art Salon New York Invitation Exhibition New York
2021 migration road Chinese and foreign artists Exchange Exhibition Beijing 798 Meisong Gallery
Houlang Art Festival Beijing 798 Yue Art Museum 2022 Asian Art Biennale in Fukuoka, Japan 2022




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