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展讯 | Exhibition:物语——刘和森作品展2022 Surge · Appear: Mo

[2022-8-13 10:17:20]

Surge · Appear: Monogatari  Exhibition of works by Liu He sen



策展人: 惠书文 

Curator: Huishuwen

学术主持: 杨云  武少宁  

Academic Chair: Yun Yang   Wu Shaoning

开幕时间: 2022/8/0615:30

Opening: On August 6, 2022, 3:30 p.m.

主办单位: 北京上苑艺术馆

Sponsor: Shangyuan Art Museum, Beijing

Contemporary visual art research center of Guizhou Normal University

展览地址: 北京市怀柔区桥梓艺术公社上苑艺术馆
Location: Shangyuan Art Museum of Qiaozi Art Commune, Huairou District, Beijing

媒体支持:雅昌艺术网   百度新闻  搜狐新闻  日头条  凤凰新闻 腾讯新闻  一点资讯  网易新闻  uc新闻   艺术头条  360新闻     卓克艺术网  阿特艺术网





前言 Curator’s Preface





On the one hand, it is the honor of the ancient nobles, on the other hand, it is the children who tie their hair when they add the crown ceremony, so they don’t have to remove it after the ceremony. Regarding the exhibition activities of Liu Hesen’s personal works, the two statements of Xie can be used simultaneously.


Individual exhibition of works has always been the real beginning of a painter’s artistic self-confidence. He Sen has been studying in university for 20 years, started from Cangshan Mountain to Erhai Lake, and has been through Kunming and Beijing .........


After graduation, work, further study, graduation and working for 20 years, few people can hold a pen in life, and even fewer people insist on looking for individual language to express themselves. In today’s numerous noisy literary accents, He Sen insists on quietly recording his body and mind ...... A tree with a butterfly; One dot, one line and one ink print; Traces and traces are the portrayal of the author’s life search.


With the discovery and exploration of one’s own thoughts and living conditions, one simply records the growth process of one’s mind with ink and lines, and his vision always pays attention to the sensitivity of one’s body and mind, and his attention to everyday objects reveals the hint of emotional symbols. A vague metaphor of life runs through several series of works. This kind of conceptual exploration of art, whether it’s his Story of Things, Prisoner, Painting the Land as a Prison series, is all There is a figurative liberation of perspective objects; There is a decision hint that is far from the traditional landscape brushwork; There are new ink attempts to find the origin of life and explore where spirituality comes from; This water mark, ink, tried to knock on the doorposts of different aesthetic directions, as if looking for the agreement of images in Chinese and western aesthetics ..... Between the two, he avoided opposition and chose dissolution and integration. His traces in the process of exploring the theme and formal language show that he respects himself and captures his physical and mental state. Compared with those unconventional excitement, coquetry, and the formation of Sen’s calm, conceptual and individual language, it is a sincere expression!


Light ink marks, simple handwriting, and the rhythm of the picture from andante to adagio, Liu Hesen’s paintings are serious and meaningful. He touched the black-and-white composition of traditional pen and ink and western paintings, and tortured the theme and growth of life. This way of trying to find a simple but not simple way in silence is in line with Liu Hesen’s "black and white portrayal".


Here is an art exhibition about ink and wash, black and white patterns. May the auspicious summer and wind in Beijing give Liu Hesen the power of riding the wind to break through the cocoon!



單位:大理大學藝術學院/ 杨云白妮




College of art, Dali University  Yang Yun, Bai Ni

Visiting scholar of Tsinghua University, art school of Dali University, visiting scholar of the University of Leeds, UK  Visiting professor of BUU University in Thailand and srinakharinwirot in Thailand



作品选登/Selected Works



《新实验水墨系列日常史诗物语11纸本水墨  150*150cm  2019




《新实验水墨系列日常史诗物语12纸本水墨  150*150cm   2019



新实验水墨系列溪山行旅图》 纸本水墨 68*138cm  2019



实验水墨系列日常史诗 4  100* 200CM   纸本水墨    2019




实验水墨系列日常史诗 3  100* 200CM   纸本水墨    2019





艺术家 | Artist







2017年 “情绪”五月/ 刘和森双个   中国 昆明创库源生坊画廊

2022年  物语  刘和森作品展       中国  北京上苑艺术馆


2011年    中国蓉城·2011全国青年美术家提名展   中国  成都蓉城美术馆

2014    “如期而至”昆明.西安两地艺术家作品交流展 中国  云南师范大学美术馆 

2015    “如期而至”昆明.西安两地艺术家作品交流展   中国  西安  

2017   艺术新势力青年艺术家作品展          中国  昆明文化馆

   第四届《左西右东》中美优秀艺术作品大展   中国  上海

 “合订本  尚未完成”                中国  昆明苔画廊

2018年   猎质国际当代艺术双年展     中国郑州彩盒子艺术馆   中山美术馆    古元美术馆   重庆目击者当代艺术空间

 上苑艺术馆2018国际创作计划<艺术驻留>开幕展   中国  北京


 意视界  全国当代绘画作品展    中国   天津滨海美术馆

2019  无问西东 中法当代艺术邀请展   中国  上海

  悲剧的力量  北京当代艺术大展  中国  北京

  力度—首届中国表现主义绘画作品巡回展  中国 北京枫美术馆   苏州市梵融美术馆  上海世界您好美术馆

  2019大艺家夏季展     中国上海  艺诺美术馆

2020年  第三届当代国际水墨设计双年展

  悟境----昆明雨花艺术沙龙 纽约邀请展     纽约

2021年  洄游之路  中外艺术家交流展    北京798美颂画廊

  后浪艺术节       北京798  悦美术馆

2022年   2022日本福冈亚洲艺术双年展    日本  福冈亚洲美术馆




Liu Hesen

Born in Yunnan

Graduated from oil painting studio 4 of Yunnan Academy of Art

Solo exhibition

2017 "mood" may / Liu Hesen double solo exhibition, Kunming chuangku yuanshengfang Gallery, China

2022 story Liu Hesen works exhibition, Shangyuan Art Museum, Beijing, China

Major exhibitions

2011 Chengdu, China · 2011 national young artist Nomination Exhibition Chengdu Art Museum, China

In 2014, Kunming "arrived as scheduled" Art Gallery of Yunnan Normal University, China

In 2015, Kunming "arrived as scheduled"

Xi’an artists’ works exchange exhibition Xi’an, China

2017 new forces of art exhibition of young artists Kunming Cultural Museum, China

The fourth "left West, right east" Sino American excellent art exhibition, Shanghai, China

"The bound edition has not been completed"

Kunming moss Gallery, China

2018 Hunter quality International Contemporary Art Biennale, Zhengzhou caiboxart Museum, China, Zhongshan Art Museum, Gu Yuanmei

Art Museum Chongqing witness contemporary art space

Shangyuan Art Museum 2018 international creative program < art residence > opening exhibition Beijing, China

2018 international creative program of Beijing Shangyuan Art Museum < art residence > resident artists

Yishijie national contemporary painting exhibition Tianjin Binhai Art Museum, China

2019 Wuwen West East China France Contemporary Art Invitational Exhibition Shanghai, China

The power of tragedy Beijing Contemporary Art Exhibition Beijing, China

Dynamics - the first Chinese expressionist painting tour exhibition, Feng Art Museum, Beijing, China, Suzhou fanrongmei

Art Museum Shanghai World Hello Art Museum

2019 Summer Exhibition of great artists Shanghai Yinuo Art Museum, China

The third contemporary international ink painting design Biennale in 2020

2020 Wujing ---- Kunming Yuhua Art Salon New York Invitation Exhibition New York

2021 migration road Chinese and foreign artists Exchange Exhibition Beijing 798 Meisong Gallery

Houlang Art Festival Beijing 798 Yue Art Museum 2022 Asian Art Biennale in Fukuoka, Japan 2022



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