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美术 > 2012驻馆艺术家
艾伦Alan Waters(上苑国际创作计划候选人)

[2011-12-17 20:58:47]

艾伦Alan Waters(上苑国际创作计划候选人)


出生于1959年 - 英国曼彻斯特
1989/92 - 文学士(美术)曼彻斯特理工学院
1991年 - 汉诺威画廊,利物浦
1992年 - 伦敦生态中心,伦敦考文特花园,
1992年 - Spitalfields市场,伦敦
1993年 - 毕晓普,伦敦
1993年 - 汉诺威画廊,利物浦
1994年 - 阿特金森画廊,南港
1995年 - 斯托克波特美术馆,柴郡
1996年 - X一代,曼彻斯特
1997 - 兀兰艺术画廊,伦敦
1998年 - Skulpturenpark画廊Katzow,德国
1998年 - 伊斯林顿伦敦艺术厂,
1998年 - 铅站,曼彻斯特
1998 - 曼托,曼彻斯特
1999年 - Madeley法院学校,德福
1999年 - 纽约市美术馆,纽约
2000 - 码头艺术,后船身金斯敦
2000 - 哈里斯博物馆和艺术画廊,普雷斯顿
2002 - 斯托克波特美术馆,柴郡
2007年 - 沙面文化中心,广州,中国

1990年 - 当代的观点,伦敦皇家艺术学院
1991年 - 市立美术馆,曼彻斯特
1991年 - 奇切斯特大教堂,奇切斯特
1991年 - 斯托克波特美术馆,柴郡
1991年 - 土堆,爱丁堡皇家苏格兰学院,
1992年 - 惠氏画廊,曼彻斯特
1992年 - 新鲜的艺术,商业设计中心,伊斯灵顿,伦敦
1992年 - Pittville美术馆,切尔滕纳姆
1992年 - 伦敦塔桥广场,伦敦塔桥
1992年 - 艺术节,柴郡威姆斯洛
1992年 - 圣安广场,曼彻斯特
1992 - 表达式画廊,曼彻斯特
1992年 - 斯托克波特美术馆,柴郡
1992年 - 苏格兰皇家科学院,土堆,爱丁堡
1993 - Blackheath的画廊,伦敦Blackheath的,
1993年 - 史密斯画廊,伦敦考文特花园,
1993年 - 冲天炉画廊,谢菲尔德
1993年 - 2单元库,诺福克
1993 - 土堆,爱丁堡皇家苏格兰学院,
1994年 - 长廊画廊,伦敦,白金汉门
1994年 - 比阿特丽斯皇家美术馆,伊斯特利
1994年 - Boxfield画廊,斯蒂夫尼奇
1994年 - La Paix酒店雕塑花园,特伦顿,新泽西州。美国
1994年 - 斯托克波特美术馆,柴郡
1994年 - 苏格兰皇家科学院,土堆,爱丁堡
1995年 - 列克星敦画廊,劳伦斯,新泽西州。美国
1995年 - 格罗夫纳画廊,切斯特
1995年 - 集体画廊,爱丁堡
1995年 - 麦克莱伦画廊,格拉斯哥
1995年 - 港区画廊,伦敦切尔西
1996年 - 斯托克波特美术馆,柴郡
1996年 - 指数96’,迪拜
1996年 - 市立美术馆,曼彻斯特
1997 - 亨廷顿,剑桥画廊
1997年 - Skulpturenpark Katzow,德国
1997年 - 伦敦商学院,伦敦摄政公园
1997年 - 苏格兰皇家银行,伦敦肯辛顿,
1998年 - 安静的水域雕塑公园,安纳波利斯,美国
2000 - 斯托克波特美术馆,柴郡
2001年 - Bankley工作室画廊,曼彻斯特
2001年 - 第五届中国长春国际雕塑研讨会,长春,中国
2001年 - 中国河北,石家庄,河北国际雕塑研讨会
2002年 - NOI,Mostra Internazionale darte。沉积物那不勒斯,Vaticano,Morcone,意大利
2003年 - 伍尔弗汉普顿艺术画廊,伍尔弗汉普顿
2003 - 纽比大厅,约克夏
2003年 - 德国纽伦堡国际歌Skulpturenausstellung
2003年 - 利盟欧洲艺术奖
2003年 - 斯托克波特美术馆,柴郡
2003年 - EyeStorm画廊,伦敦
2004年 - 2004年,塞浦路斯尼科西亚Nomadifesta
2005年 - 卡索里亚当代艺术博物馆,那不勒斯,意大利
2005年 - 2005年,塞浦路斯尼科西亚Nomadifesta
2006年 - 2008年北京奥运会,中国
2006年 - 郑州,中国
2007年 - 威美术画廊,瓦尔哈拉,纽约
2007年 - 2007年,孔斯特,德国纽伦堡
2007年 - Raandesk画廊,美国新泽西州
2009 - 中国上海,苏州,SISPARK
2010 - 北京国际美术双年展(BIAB),北京,中国。
2011 - 北京798艺术节,北京,中国

1994年 - Hardingham国际居留,诺福克
1995 - 会员奖学金,苏格兰皇家银行,伦敦
1996 - Studio开发奖,NWAB。曼彻斯特
1996年 - 选择,斯托克波特美术馆,柴郡
1997年 - 旅游奖,NWAB。曼彻斯特
1998年 - 利物浦设计倡议,利物浦
1999 - 旅游奖,NWAB。曼彻斯特












Alan Waters
Born 1959 - Manchester, UK
1989/92 - BA, (fine art) Manchester Polytechnic
Solo exhibitions
1991 - Hanover Galleries, Liverpool
1992 - London Ecology Centre, Covent Garden, London
1992 - Spitalfields Market, London
1993 - Bishopsgate, London
1993 - Hanover Galleries, Liverpool
1994 - Atkinson Art Gallery, Southport
1995 - Stockport Art Gallery, Cheshire
1996 - Generation X, Manchester
1997 - Woodlands Art Gallery, London
1998 - Skulpturenpark Gallery Katzow, Germany
1998 - Islington Arts Factory, London
1998 - Lead Station, Manchester
1998 - Manto, Manchester
1999 - Madeley Court School, Telford
1999 - York City Art Gallery, York
2000 - Quay Art, Kingston upon Hull
2000 - Harris Museum and Art Gallery, Preston
2002 - Stockport Art Gallery, Cheshire
2007 - Shamian Culture Center, Guangzhou, China
1997 - 6th International Sculpture Symposium, Sculpturenpark, Katzow, Germany
1998 - Quiet Waters Park Sculpture Residency, Annapolis, Washington, USA
2001 - 5th Changchun China International Sculpture Symposium, Changchun, China
2001 - Hebei International Sculpture Symposium, Shijiazhuang, Hebei, China
2004 - HuiAn international Sculpture Symposium, Xiamen, China
2006 - Zhengzhou sculpture symposium, China
2007 - Tehran symposium, Iran
2007 - Shenzhen sculpture symposium, China
2008 - Matruh sculpture symposium, Egypt
2009 - Urumqi sculpture symposium, China
2010 - Tangshan sculpture symposium, China
2011 - Meandering Tai-Lake 2010 China (Wuxi) International City Public Art
Group exhibitions
1990 - Contemporary View, Royal College of Art, London
1991 - City Art Gallery, Manchester
1991 - Chichester Cathedral, Chichester
1991 - Stockport Art Gallery, Cheshire
1991 - Royal Scottish Academy, The Mound, Edinburgh
1992 - Whitworth Art Gallery, Manchester
1992 - Fresh Art, Business Design Centre, Islington, London
1992 - Pittville Art Gallery, Cheltenham
1992 - Tower Bridge Piazza, Tower Bridge, London
1992 - Wilmslow Arts Festival, Cheshire
1992 - St. Ann’s Square, Manchester
1992 - Expressions Gallery, Manchester
1992 - Stockport Art Gallery, Cheshire
1992 - Royal Scottish Academy, The Mound, Edinburgh
1993 - Blackheath Gallery, Blackheath, London
1993 - Smiths Gallery, Covent Garden, London
1993 - Cupola Gallery, Sheffield
1993 - Unit 2 Gallery, Norfolk
1993 - Royal Scottish Academy, The Mound, Edinburgh
1994 - Loggia Gallery, Buckingham Gate, London
1994 - Beatrice Royal Art Gallery, Eastleigh
1994 - Boxfield Gallery, Stevenage
1994 - La Paix Sculpture Garden, Trenton, NJ. USA
1994 - Stockport Art Gallery, Cheshire
1994 - Royal Scottish Academy, The Mound, Edinburgh
1995 - Lexington Gallery, Lawrence, NJ. USA
1995 - Grosvenor Art Gallery, Chester
1995 - Collective Gallery, Edinburgh
1995 - Mclellan Gallery, Glasgow
1995 - Docklands Gallery, Chelsea, London
1996 - Stockport Art Gallery, Cheshire
1996 - Index 96’, Dubai
1996 - City Art Gallery, Manchester
1997 - The Gallery Huntingdon, Cambridgeshire
1997 - Skulpturenpark Katzow, Germany
1997 - London Business School, Regents Park, London
1997 - RBS, Kensington, London
1998 - Quiet Waters Sculpture Park, Annapolis, USA
2000 - Stockport Art Gallery, Cheshire
2001 - Bankley Studio Gallery, Manchester
2001 - 5th Changchun China International Sculpture, Symposium, Changchun, China
2001 - Hebei International Sculpture Symposium, Shijiazhuang, Hebei, China
2002 - NOI, Mostra Internazionale darte. Sedi Napoli, Vaticano, Morcone, Italy
2003 - Wolverhampton Art Gallery, Wolverhampton
2003 - Newby Hall, Yorkshire
2003 - Internationale Skulpturenausstellung, Nurnberg, Germany
2003 - Lexmark European Art Prize
2003 - Stockport Art Gallery, Cheshire
2003 - EyeStorm Gallery, London
2004 - Nomadifesta 2004, Nicosia, Cyprus
2005 - Casoria Contemporary Art Museum, Napoli, Italy
2005 - Nomadifesta 2005, Nicosia, Cyprus
2006 - Beijing Olympics 2008, China
2006 - Zhengzhou, China
2007 - Westchester Fine Art Gallery, Valhalla, New York
2007 - Kunst 2007, Nurnberg, Germany
2007 - Raandesk Gallery, New Jersey, USA
2009 - SISPARK, Suzhou Shanghai, China
2010 - Beijing International Art Biennale (BIAB)., Beijing, China
2011 - Beijing 798 Art Festival, Beijing, China
Private collection
1994 - Atkinson Art Gallery and Museum, Southport
1996 - Manchester City Council, Manchester
1997 - Skulpturenpark, Katzow, Germany
1998 - Royal Society of British Sculptors, Kensington, London
1998 - Anne Arundel County, Annapolis, Washington USA
2000 - Andrew Harker Associates, Warrington, Cheshire
2005 - Casoria Contemporary Art Museum, Napoli, Italy
1994 - Hardingham International Residency, Norfolk
1995 - Membership Bursary, RBS, London
1996 - Studio Development Award, NWAB. Manchester
1996 - Selector, Stockport Art Gallery, Cheshire
1997 - Travel Award, NWAB. Manchester
1998 - Liverpool Design Initiative, Liverpool
1999 - Travel Award, NWAB. Manchester
1991 - The Venue, Whitworth Street, Manchester
1993 - Rocol, Rocol House, Leeds
1993 - Tomlander, Paston Road, Manchester
1993 - Flexibox, Nash Road, Manchester
1993 - Renolds, Horninglow Road, Staffordshire
1994 - Alfa-Laval, Brentford, Middlesex
1994 - Sefton Council, Southport, Merseyside
1994 - Strix, Castletown, Port Erin, Johannesburg, Ramsey, Chester, Australia, Hong Kong
1997 - Coronation Street, Manchester
Short listed projects
1992 - Woodlands Art Gallery, London
1992 - Milton Keynes Art Gallery, Milton Keynes
1992 - Windsor Arts Centre, Windsor
1992 - Antony Gormley, 153a Bellenden Road, London
1992 - Royal Academy Schools, London
1992 - Western Michigan University, Kalamazoo, USA
1993 - Artist in residence, Irvine, Ayrshire
1993 - University of Alberta, Edmonton, Canada
1994 - Grounds for Sculpture, Hamilton, USA
1995 - Art in General, New York, USA
1995 - Bemis Center for Contemporary Art, Omaha, USA
1995 - Gippsland School of Art, Victoria, Australia
1995 - The Hampshire Sculpture Trust, Winchester
1995 - The Robert Gordon University, Aberdeen
1995 - West Lancashire District Council, Ormskirk
1995 - Centre for Visual Arts, Public Arts, Wakefield
1996 - Woodlands Art Gallery, London.
1996 - Hockaday Museum of Art, Montana, USA
1996 - Stockport Met. Council, Stockport
1996 - Artist Alliance, Padstow, Cornwall
1996 - Newport Museum & Art Gallery, South Wales
1997 - Rhode Island State Council, USA
1997 - 9th Millfield Commission, Millfield, Street
1997 - Groundwork, Lincolnshire
1997 - Winchester School of Art, Winchester
1998 - National Forest Foundation Residence, Derbyshire
1998 - Jersey Galleries, The National Trust
1998 - Research Fine Art, University of Plymouth, Exeter
1998 - The Hampshire Sculpture Trust, Beale Park
1998 - Fairhurst Architects, Eastleigh
1998 - Chester City Council, public art projects
1998 - Grounds for Sculpture, USA
1999 - Craigavon Borough Council, Co. Armagh
1999 - Chapman Gallery & Glass Box Gallery, Salford
1999 - Wirral Met College, Birkenhead
1999 - A6 Initiative Urban Art Project, Manchester
1999 - East Gloucestershire, NHS Trust
1999 - University of NSW, Australia
1999 - Cultural Village of Europe, Netherlands
1999 - Michael C Rockerfeller Arts Center, Fredonia, USA
2000 - Pictures.co.uk, Milnrow, Oldham
2000 - New York Mills Regional Cultural Center, USA
2000 - CCA Galleries, London
2000 - Jersey Public Sculpture Trust, Jersey
2000 - The Arts Centre, St. Petersburg, USA
2000 - Cheltenham & Gloucester College, Cheltenham
2000 - Cedarhurst, Mt. Vernon, USA
2000 - University of California, Davis, USA
2001 - Port Talbot Town Centre, Cywaith Cymru, Cardiff
2001 - Briton Ferry, Cywaith Cymru, Cardiff
2005 - Barking Council, London
2007 - Gairmscoil Clu Uladh Commission, County Donegal
2007 - City Sculpture Global Commission, Hunan, China
2008 – Selwood School Commission, Somerset
Artist statement
My finished work and ongoing working practice is a continuous investigation and coalition within the areas of public art, painting and sculpture. Focused and conforming to a traditional and intrinsic format, I combine and utilise all available mediums. My research and interests extend into all visual art forms, the introduction of this and other individual reference material, substantiates an instinctive and progressive visual content. Resolute research and investigation associated to the subjects of repetition, public art as a studio practice, dance, unconscious working methods and ambiguous past events are permanent and transient components, central towards finished and future projects. Combined within the absorption and exploits of such activities is a continued response and a full-time successive program of experimentation, fundamental towards any assurance of progression. Sequential areas of inquiry, instinctive towards an influence and a remit for forthcoming projects, are the progression of consolidating restrictions, encouraging autonomy, colour and scale development. The unconscious act predominates, a blitz of objectives and actions are induced into the completed object, or the pursuance of chance and an uncomplex vision is established provoking a temporary conclusion, either way the extremities agitate and congeal forming a reference point for the viewer.
Visiting Lecturer
1998 - Kent Institute, Canterbury School of Art
New Dover Road, Canterbury, Kent CT1 3AN


William D(印度 卡纳塔克邦艺术学院研究生)
Elena de Varda(意大利艺术家)