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【上苑展讯】二手市场,2178:Flounder Lee 个展

[2019-9-20 15:35:32]

二手市场,2178/Secondhand Market, 2178

Flounder Lee 个展/Solo Exhibition

参展艺术家/Artist:Flounder Lee

展览城市/City:北京 Beijing


展览时间/Duration:2019/09/21 - 09/26


Shangyuan Art Museum, Qiaozi County, Huairou District, Beijing

Secondhand Market, 2178 Shangyuan Art Museum

二手市场,2178 | 上苑美术馆项目空间

Set in a used goods market stall in the year 2178, this exhibition looks at objects that are in our future and the market’s past. Most of the objects are hacked together devices that are used daily by people. Many of the objects are knockoffs of branded items that the original user couldn’t or wouldn’t buy—mag-lev sandals, CRISPR gene editing gun, and bio-synthetic filtration units. Some are objects meant to bypass the commercial market in other ways such as a wireless energy hijacker or a lifi to wifi convertor. Like at any flea market, some are things that you don’t understand why anyone would buy—solar sail message in a bottle.


The devices are made from found objects, resin casting, and 3D printing. Some “work”, as far as they light up, buzz, or puff air. They are mostly made with currently predicted technology in mind. Technology is advancing at such a rapid pace, we really don’t know what will be important in 200 years, but if thousands of years of human history is any guide, we know that its application and availability will be severely uneven. In 2019, while some people have semi-autonomous cars and phones that can access most of human knowledge, many more are reliant on donkey carts and lack even basic communication technology.

该设备是由被发现的物件而制造出来的,然后透过树脂铸造和3D打印而产生。一些物件只要透过点燃,发出嗡嗡声或吹气,就能 “运作“。它们大多是根据当前预测的技术制作的。技术正以如此快的速度发展,我们更加不知晓200年后什么才是最重要的。但时,如果我们以人类几千年的历史为导,我们知道它的应用和可用性将变得严重地不平衡。在2019年,虽然一些人拥有能够获取大部分人类知识的半自动汽车和手机,但更多的人群更依赖于驴车,甚至缺乏基本的通讯技术。

At the market, the items will be for sale by a loudspeaker tout. Anyone have 300 credits so I can buy this vintage DNA storage device and see what’s stored on it?!


作品选登 Selected Works

Spice Combinator  辣味组合器, Found objects被找到的物件

Lifi to Wifi Convertor Lifi到Wifi转换器, Found objects被找到的物件

Wireless Energy Hijacker 无线能源劫机, Found objects被找到的物件

Solar Sail Message in a Bottle装在瓶子里的太阳帆信息, Cast resin铸型树脂 and Found objects被找到的物件

Mag-Lev Sandals Mag-Lev凉鞋, Found objects被找到的物件

DNA Storage Sphere DNA存储领域, Cast resin铸型树脂 and Found object被找到的物件

(image courtesy of Tashkeel, Dubai)


2007 工作室艺术硕士,专注于摄影/数字艺术;加州州立大学长滩分校

2003 创意摄影硕士;佛罗里达大学


2014-2019 工作室艺术副教授;迪拜美国大学

2014 摄影首席讲师;Limkokwing大学、马来西亚

2007-2013 摄影与媒体助理教授;Herron艺术与设计学院,IUPUI


2012 Rise and Retreat; Sammaki画廊;马德望,柬埔寨

2009 Re/Move; Foto, kino i video savez Vojvodine; 诺威萨,塞尔维亚  

2008 Own; 巴塞尔艺术、设计和公共生活中心;印第安纳波利斯,印第安纳州

2006 Self-Organized Mapping; Werby画廊;加州长滩


2018 Ishara: 符号、符号和共享的语言;Concrete,迪拜

2016 Just Deserts; Sikka艺术博览会; Al Fahidi历史街区,迪拜;通过迪拜文化

2015 Pipeline; GMIS 发射;Al Ain, 阿联酋;通过阿联酋经济部和工发组织

2014 Time Lapsed; 印第安纳波利斯国际机场

2011 Plymouth, Also; DXDX; 普利茅斯,英国


2018 Tashkent Biennale VIII; 中央展厅;塔什干,乌兹别克斯坦

2017 Inverse Performance Arts Festival; 美国阿肯色州西北

2016 Seven; UntitledBCN; 西班牙巴塞罗那

2013 The Self-Portrait Show; 印第安纳波利斯艺术委员会924画廊

2011 Chopped and Stretched; Drift Station; 内布拉斯加州的林肯市

2010 Barcelona Art Contemporani 11; Casa D’Art Santa Maria; 西班牙巴塞罗那

Art Inspired by Science; 俄勒冈州美术馆

2009 Glimpse of LA Photography; Mount St. Mary’s College; 加州

Pilgrimages Through the Centuries; 俄亥俄州立大学纽瓦克

2008 Bewegterwind-der Wind Formt; Twistetal-Gembeck, 德国黑塞

Borderlands; 南西雅图社区学院画廊;华盛顿

2007 Backscatter: All Photography Show; Create: Fixate画廊,好莱坞,加利福尼亚

In-Edit Fesitval; 阿根廷布宜诺斯艾利斯

Photography as Witness; 缅因大学美术馆

2006 Open 2006; Gallery 825; 洛杉矶

Art, Technology, and Society; 数字媒体中心;加州圣安娜

2005 Los Angeles Art Festival; 305·马特奥        


2019 策展人; Crossings and Corridors: Linda Adele Goodine and Saba Qizilbash; NYUAD项目空间

2018 策展人; On this night…; Jean Paul Najar基金会博物馆,迪拜阿尔塞卡尔大道艺术区

2014 协办人: Feelings International Video Experience; 迪拜美国大学

2013 策展人; Eco-Logic: Artists’ take on Environmental Changes; SpaceCamp MicroGallery; 印第安纳波利斯

协办人; Double Vision II-A Multi-Channel Video Festival; Herron艺术学院

2011-2012 策展人; Aerospacial; Frank and Katrina Basile Gallery, Herron艺术与设计学院,IUPUI


2007 MFA in Studio Art, focus in photography/digital art; Cal State University Long Beach

2003 MFA in Creative Photography; University of Florida 

Selected Teaching Experience

2014-2019 Associate Professor of Studio Art; American University in Dubai

2014 Principal Lecturer in Photography; Limkokwing University, Malaysia

2007-2013 Assistant Professor of Photography and Intermedia; Herron School of Art and Design, IUPUI

Selected Solo Exhibitions

2012 Rise and Retreat; Sammaki Gallery; Battambang, Cambodia

2009 Re/Move; Foto, kino i video savez Vojvodine; Novi Sad, Serbia   

2008 Own; Basile Center for Art, Design and Public Life; Indianapolis, Indiana

2006 Self-Organized Mapping; Werby Gallery; Long Beach, California

Selected Commissions/Public Art

2018 Ishara: Signs, Symbols, and Shared Languages; Concrete, Dubai

2016 Just Deserts; Sikka Art Fair; Al Fahidi Historic Neighborhood, Dubai; via Dubai Culture

2015 Pipeline; GMIS Launch; Al Ain, UAE; via UAE Ministry of Economy and UNIDO

2014 Time Lapsed; Indianapolis International Airport

2011 Plymouth, Also; DXDX; Plymouth, England, UK 

Selected Exhibitions/Screenings/Performances

2018 Tashkent Biennale VIII; Central Exhibition Hall; Tashkent, Uzbekistan

2017 Inverse Performance Arts Festival; Northwest Arkansas, USA

2016 Seven; UntitledBCN; Barcelona, Spain

2013 The Self-Portrait Show; Indianapolis Arts Council 924 Gallery

2011 Chopped and Stretched; Drift Station; Lincoln, Nebraska

2010 Barcelona Art Contemporani 11; Casa D’Art Santa Maria; Barcelona, Spain

Art Inspired by Science; Schneider Museum of Art, Oregon

2009 Glimpse of LA Photography; Mount St. Mary’s College; California

Pilgrimages Through the Centuries; Ohio State University Newark

2008 Bewegterwind-der Wind Formt; Twistetal-Gembeck, Hesse, Germany  

Borderlands; South Seattle Community College Gallery; Washington

2007 Backscatter: All Photography Show; Create:Fixate Gallery, Hollywood, California

In-Edit Fesitval; Buenos Aires, Argentina

Photography as Witness; University of Maine Art Gallery

2006 Open 2006; Gallery 825; Los Angeles

Art, Technology, and Society; Digital Media Center; Santa Ana, California

2005 Los Angeles Art Festival; 305 Mateo

Selected Curatorial Work

2019 Curator; Crossings and Corridors: Linda Adele Goodine and Saba Qizilbash; NYUAD Project Space

2018 Curator; On this night…; Jean Paul Najar Foundation Museum, Alserkal Avenue Arts District, Dubai

2014 Co-Organizer; Feelings International Video Experience; American University in Dubai

2013 Curator; Eco-Logic: Artists’ take on Environmental Changes; SpaceCamp MicroGallery; Indianapolis

Co-Curator; Double Vision II-A Multi-Channel Video Festival; Herron School of Art

2011-2012 Curator; Aerospacial; Frank and Katrina Basile Gallery, Herron School of Art and Design, IUPUI


【上苑视频展映】10个国家的13部短片|Flounder Lee(美国)主执播放