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[2019-9-10 18:00:28]


The N Power of 1: Wu Yiwen’s Solo Exhibition



Artist: Wu Yiwen


开幕时间/Opening:2019.9.14, 15:00


地点/Location: 北京市怀柔区桥梓镇沙峪口上苑艺术馆

Shangyuan Art Museum, Qiaozi country, Huairou District, Beijing

媒体支持:库艺术 ART方程式

Media support: library ART ART equation


Academic host: Li Niannu


Poster design: Sun Yukun


Preface: Mou Jun

前言 Preface




             牟 俊


The N power of 1 represents the product after the multiplication of N 1, and "multiplication" breaks through the quantitative relationship of "plus" on one-dimensional linearity, forming a qualitative breakthrough to build a two-dimensional plane. In the artist Wu Yiwen’s view, 1 is a singularity of the same time and space, and it is the most basic unit of everything. It is the primitive chaotic state of the world, and it is simple to pure. Therefore, in Wu Yiwen’s works of art, "1" is "point", its "plus" is "line", and "multiplication" is "plane". Countless points, lines, and planes combine, expand, and accumulate to form the three-dimensional world in which we live. It is a world in which the world is a unified material world in Western philosophical theories, and it is also a world under the laws of the traditional Taoist "one produce two, two produce three, three produce all things". In Heidegger’s "The Origin of Artistic Works," it is also believed that artistic works have established a world and created the earth. The object is the earth factor of the work. Creation is to make something appear as a product. The work puts the material factor into the open field to appear.

The works in this exhibition are divided into two series, which use ultra-light clay and electronic components as creative materials. Both of these materials are themselves products of human industrial civilization. The things taken from nature are the things that survived after the continuous cycle process of understanding and reconstruction, deconstruction and reconstruction in human industrial production activities. In "how poet to do" and other articles, Heidegger noticed that in our era ruled by technology, things have long become deformed and become market values that can be calculated. In the series of electronic components, the cave plate becomes the carrier of the work. The artist passively places himself in the limitation of the material plate surface, uses each individual element to condense a large amount of time, arbitrarily combines it, and carries out a simple color gamut on the color. Processing, The first image of the picture is extremely calm. However, after a long period of time, it will be found that the picture of rational restraint is full of artists ’arrogance and eclectic rebellion of their own artistic cognition. Looking back at the artist’s previous works, he tried to constantly seek unlimited expansion in reason and create his own world.

Ultralight clay was first born in Germany in 2007 and was widely used in children’s art education around the world. Due to its wide market popularity and the material characteristics of lightweight plastic, it has been labeled as cheap, low and simple. The artist chooses such a young and inexpensive material, making full use of its material properties, keeping it sealed, tearing apart the outer packaging bit by bit, drying, tearing a little bit, and drying again, so on. After a period of up to one month to completely solidify it, color it again and again. Through time intervention, the work presents a new texture of metal, cement, and other materials that are different from the material itself, making it full of exceptions. surprise. As Greenberg said about the new sculpture, the new sculpture provides the illusion that "matter is non-physical, weightless, and only exists like an illusion." The illusion is what Judd calls the most necessary "interesting." The conflict between the lightness of the material itself brought about by the ultra-light clay and the heavy illusion produced by the work shows that the approximate innocence is interesting.

Heidegger believes that "artistic works are far more than just things. It is something else. This other thing is what makes an artist an artist. " In my opinion, in Wu Yiwen’s works, the "things" that carry the works are countless "1", and "something else" is what Sartre described as "a yellow crack in the air.", It is the N power of the artist’s pursuit of self-art in life. It represents all the emotions in the artist’s life and also shapes the artist’s own existence. 

Mou Jun

2019.09.09 at Chongqing University of Arts and Sciences

作品图片 Selected Works

《BJSY2019-1-1》30cmx26cmx3cm 综合材料 2019

《BJSY2019-1-2》32cmx23cmx6cm 综合材料 2019

《BJSY2019-1-3》23cmx16cmx5cm 综合材料 2019

《BJSY2019-2-1》50cmx50cmx5cm 综合材料 2019

《BJSY2019-2-2》50cmx50cmx5cm 综合材料 2019



Artist’s Profile

Wu Yiwen, born in Pujiang, Zhejiang Province, currently lives in Hangzhou and Beijing. Scholar, independent artist. He is the author of the monograph “Unusual Chinese Painting History” and “Unusual Taoism-The Evolution of Taoism and Its Impact on Chinese Literature and Art.” The practice is dedicated to the world culture and art in the context of transformation, the industrial civilization in the information age a new aesthetic feelings, combined with Oriental Taoism Zen thought and the essence of western minimalism pop art, the formation of both national character period flavor unique painting language and the international field of vision. His works participated in Prague at the China Europe international art biennale, Chinese and French contemporary art invitational exhibition and other academic exhibitions.


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