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[2019-8-23 19:15:11]


The Gravity of Souls: Mos Solo Exhibition



Artist: Mos


City of Exhibition: Beijing


Opening: 3:30 pm, August 31st, 2019


Duration: August 31st to September 4th, 2019

地      点:北京怀柔区桥梓镇沙峪口村 上苑艺术馆二号展厅

Location: Exhibition Hall No. 2, Shangyuan Art Museum, Qiaozi County, Huairou District, Beijing


Organizer: Shangyuan Art Museum










"The Gravity Of Souls", the subject of the exhibition, is not the force that governs the motions of heavenly bodies, as in physics. The reflection of the deep individual memory hidden in the artist’s works forms a cosmic system that concerns the artist himself. And each memory node is a celestial body in the memory universe, suspended in the memory universe.

The artist divides his works into three series, which are seemingly different from each other in terms of materials and themes, namely "Destiny", "The melting of time" and "Trace". In each work, each memory node has its inherent emotional attribute. These represent perhaps pain, perhaps sadness, perhaps desire, etc., different emotional forces, also form their own emotional gravity. However, the relationship between memory and memory is not a mutual pull, but a space-time distortion formed after interaction caused by various emotional forces. Each memory node occupies a different mass and interacts differently with other memories. In such space-time relations, they are constantly devouring and recreating each other. And it has been evolving under the space-time structure framework of individual memory, so that memory is constantly broken and recombined to form a real false world (memory star).The only real attraction we can feel in the work is loneliness.

The "Destiny" series of sketch works show the artist immersed in his own unbearable past, through the relationship of black, white and gray sketch, the artist shows the memory fragments of the burning feeling like the sun in the sketch works. All the time, the memories of the early years deeply hurt the artist himself. As an audience, what I saw was also my helpless past. Under the double superposition of spirit and vision, each similar emotional outburst was like a cosmic explosion.

In the series of oil paintings titled "The melting of time", it is not difficult to find that the artist is beginning to get over the past haze. Constantly longing for the embrace and love of others, trying to break the shackles of loneliness. In the artist’s memory, such trivial desire for "hug" is a luxury. In the illusory picture, every hug is an insignificant cry of the artist in the river of individual destiny. However, it is precisely because of such a trivial yearning that the artist can go on step by step, constantly striving to seek the happiness he desires in his dream, so that he can stand above the world.

In the "Trace" series, artists use mulberry juice as the paint and match the ink lines with each other, making people feel dense and moving. The tangled picture relationship in each work is like the author’s constant retrieval of memory and a messy and helpless spiritual experience of facing the reality.

In these three different types of works with different themes, "memory" carries a whole set of thoughts of artists when they face their own creation, and "loneliness" is the most important emotion of artists in the individual memory universe. When cannot find a good memory, loneliness may have become a good thing. But the universe is cruel, constant erosion, constant evolution is the eternal topic of the universe. In the complicated life of an artist, loneliness will eventually become the most insignificant gravity, pulled and changed by other celestial bodies that represent happiness.



作品展示 / Some works

《命运03》,Destiny 03,104×74cm,炭笔素描,2019,莫籽Mos

《时间的消释09》,The melting of time 09,100×75cm,布面油彩,2019,莫籽Mos

《踪迹06》,Trace 06,27×39cm,纸本绘画,2019,莫籽Mos


艺术家简介/ Artist profile







2019年 “引力”,上苑艺术馆,北京,中国


2015年 作品《惑》(原名《我有病》)系列获广州美术学院毕业汇报展优秀毕业创作。

2016年 旅居西藏三年,并投入当地儿童美术教育工作。

2017年 作品《三月》入选“雪域情第二届西藏油画展”。

2018年 作品《西藏的阳光04》和《百合》入选第七届广州艺术博览会。 

2018年 作品《〇九》入选FRONT前研——意视界2018年中国当代绘画作品展。

2019年 入选北京“上苑艺术馆2019年国际驻留艺术创作计划”。


Guangzhou academy of fine arts, guangdong province, China

City college oil painting major, 2011-2015

Personal Website


Solo Exhibition

2019  The Gravity Of Souls, Shangyuan Art Museum, Beijing, China


2015  His works "Black mood" (formerly known as "I am sick") series won the excellent graduation creation in the graduation report exhibition of guangzhou academy of fine arts.

2016  He lived in Tibet for three years and devoted himself to the local children’s art education.

2017  His work “March” was selected in the second Tibet oil painting exhibition.

2018  His works "Sunshine in Tibet 04" and "Lily" were selected to the 7th guangzhou art exposition.

2018  His work "Zero and nine" was selected into FRONT research -- horizon 2018 Chinese contemporary painting exhibition.

2019  He has been selected to the "shangyuan art museum 2019 international resident art creation program" in Beijing.


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