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美术 > 2015候选人
Zofia Blazko(索菲亚,法国,绘画)​

[2014-12-31 1:07:17]

Zofia Blazko(索菲亚,法国,绘画)


2012-2013 Medical Academy in Gdańsk, postgraduate studies, faculty: Art Therapy, Poland,

2005-2010 Academy of Fine Arts in Gdańsk, faculty: Painting, MA degree, Poland,

2006-2010 Academy of Fine Arts in Gdańsk, faculty: Film, television and still photography, Bachelor’s

degree, Poland,

1999-2005 Middle and Secondary School of Fine Arts, faculty: Photography, Poland,


2010 Laureate of the national contest „Promocje 2010” – Prize of the artistic monthly “Format”,


2009 Collective award „Pomorska Nagroda Sztuki” for collective accomplishment of “the Map of

Hevelius”, Poland,

Artistic residences

2012-2014 Rivoi 59, Paris, France

2012 Jour et Nuit Culture, Paris, France

2012 Canop’Art Gratte-Loup, Bourgogne, France

Individual exhibitions

2012 Painting exhibition, Jour et Nuit Culture, Paris, France,

2011 Painting exhibition, Sopocki Dom Aukcyjny, Warsaw, Poland

2011 Painting exhibition, Galeria Promocyjna Rynku Sztuki, Łódź, Poland

2010 Painting and drawing exhibition, Tekstylia , Gdańsk, Poland

Collective exhibitions

2014 Painting exhibition, Gare XP, Paris, France

2013 Painting exhibition, "Day(s) dreaming",59 Rivoli,Paris, France

2012 Painting exhibition, “Design OUT OFF”, Jour et Nut Culture, Paris, France,

2012 Painting exhibition, „ Portes ouvertes”, Jour et Nuit Culture, Paris, France

Plein- air

2010 20th International painting-sculptural plein-air ”Field of art” in Rodowo, Poland

2009 sculptural plein-air “the Map of Hevelius” Gdańsk, Poland

2009 painting plein-air, Chmielno, Poland

2009 19th International painting-sculptural plein-air ”Field of art” in Rodowo, Poland


2014 scholarship for Prezydenta Miasta Gdyni, Poland

2006-2010 first degree scholarship for academic achievements in the Department of Painting, Poland

Sifat, oil, 140 na 100cm, Paris, 2013r

Starlette, oil, 120na 80cm, Paris, 2014r. 

Niebieski koc, oil, 150 na 150cm, Gdansk, 2012r.

Portret 5, oil, 60cm na 80cm, Paris, 2012r.

Jesień, oil, 80 na 60cm, Paris, 2013r

Fioletowy, oil, 175 na 75 cm , Gdansk, 2013r

Portret,oil, 80 na 60 cm, Paris, 2013r.

Akt, carbon, 150 na 50cm, Gdansk, 2010r

Akt2,carbon, 150 na 50cm, Gdansk, 2010r.


The programme "Youth of the world"

I will use my participation as an artistic resident in Shangyuan to create a painting project under the name "Youth of the world/Portraits of China", which will present the Chinese people of different ages and from different social classes. At the same time, the project aims to allow me to continue my previous painting studies. My goal is to widen my long-term project under the name "Youth of the world" by another six works in oil technique, "Al prima" portraying the Chinese people, which will create my full record of diversity, and at the same time many common features of the young people of the 21st century from all over the world. Since 2010, I have been continuously creating a series of paintings in a collection growing in stages, under a common name – "Youth of the world". Its leading theme is young people, my peers, people who I know and understand. In her works she strives to present not only the external appearance of the models, but mainly what is ephemeral and hard to show, i.e. the inside of the human being. In August 2012 she began her artistic residence in Paris in "Jour et Nuit Culture", and later in "Rivoli59". The effect of her stay in France was a series of paintings portraying young immigrants in Paris. In this way, she expanded the project with characters coming from other parts of the world. In 2012, I received a scholarship from the Marshal of Pomorskie Voivodeship for the extension of the project "Youth of the world" with portraits of young people connected with Pomerania. In 2014, I received a scholarship from the Mayor of the city of Gdynia for the organization of exhibitions in the series "Youth of the world" in Dakar. Previous works in the series "Youth of the world".



Tahmina Hafiz (Lisa孟加拉国,架上绘画)
DIANE ZHOU(美国,综合材料)
Anja Margrethe Bache(丹麦)建筑与艺术
Vahid Evazzadeh(丹麦)舞台艺术
Aline Ivars(法国,架上绘画)
Mehran Mesbah(美国加利福尼亚,架上​绘画)
Lee Seungjae(韩国,观念摄影)