Shubho Saha(版画)孟加拉
[2013-12-15 10:26:48]
Shubho Saha(版画)孟加拉
B.F.A. ( 2005年4年期间)从版画制作系,美术,达卡大学学院。 2001-2002年批次。一流的第三个位置。
M.F.A. (2007年, 2年课程)从版画制作系,美术,达卡大学学院。 2005-06批次。第一类第一的位置。
打印制作工作坊名为CHHAPAI RUPER SONDHANE由印度艺术家在美术学院。
2009年第二次个人版画展览由艺术俱乐部, Dhanmondi ,达卡。
一群艺术家展览夫妻“爱是在空气中”通过美术, 2013年雅典娜画廊。
16由美术雅典娜画廊新兴艺术家的展览“寻找声音” 。 2013年。
“微型印刷展2013 ”当代艺术中心,纽约, 2013年。
国际小字显示在El南大学,埃及, 2012(安排由英国文化委员会)
版画秀“ 25/1 ”由艺术厅, 2012 。
艺术峰会由Samdani艺术基金会, 2012 。
参加美术学院的年度展览。 ( 2002-2011 )
集团在吉大港展览名为adree 。 ( 2000 )
集团在吉大港展览名为kingsuk 。 ( 2001)
在中国参加了在四川的展览。 (1999 )
在加尔各答,印度群展。 ( 2000 )
参与安排DOTS画廊在Gulsan展览。 ( 2006)

摄影 photography-Collaboration with intimate energy conz.

Saha_Shubho_1_Collaboration with intimate energy 12_Acrylic.

Saha_Shubho_2_Collaboration with intimate energy 17_Acrylic.

Saha_Shubho_3_Conversion of energy entity 40_woodcut.

Saha_Shubho_4_Conversion of energy entity 23_woodcut

Saha_Shubho_5_Conversion of energy entity 17_lithography.

Saha_Shubho_6_Presentation of an energy entity 14_woodcut.

Saha_Shubho_8_energy of innocence 05_woodcut.

Saha_Shubho_9_energy of innocence 07_woodcut

Saha_Shubho_10_energy of innocence 08_woodcut.
Description of Works
Before 5 years in my artworks I used Adam
& Eve as a concept. I used natural aspect to create visual illusion. That
time I was in a research of “Existence of Nature and its super reality”. Later
I started with “Historical and Mythical aspect of Nature”. After that I made my
concept so much concrete. Here the characters are playing as a soul of energy.
Now in 2 years I am in an ongoing project of sign language. Here I am using
different materials and mediums. The concept of my artworks is Intimate energy
Energy is an exposure of a form. A form can exchange energy to other. In the
exchange of energy, a form absorbs energy from its partner or competitor. A
form plays energy based on its vibration level. In my art work I used such form
instead of human being, which shows the imitation to generate energy. The forms
are able to covert to other forms of energy entity. Here I feel sound and color
of intimate energy conversion. So I try to expose the color of energy which
could be anything. In my sense each form has its own energy signature. No two
energies are same. This holds true for the colors of each form’s energy field.
I may sense a lot of black from my heart, but my black will be different than
anyone else’s black. These two individuals may have different ‘tints’ to their
What a person needs is another person who compliments his or her energy colors.
In a relationship, the colors have to blend well or the combined energy will
not work and therefore the relationship will not work. This also holds true
when one or both partners in a relationship shift or change. No only do their
every vibrations change, but so does the color of their energy.
At the base of who we are as a soul in the current incarnation, that base is a
color. And that base color effects the colors in the energy body. So a person
with a green base – all of the colors of his or her energy field will have a
green tint to it. If someone is a red base – the colors of the energy field
have a red tint.
As we evolve as souls (throughout lifetimes – only 1 base color per life), our
base tint changes. The more advanced the soul, the lighter the base color is.