Urszula Wilk(Polish artist)
[2013-7-1 7:28:01]
Urszula Wilk(Polish artist)
(Shangyuan Art Museum Arts)
Polish artist Urszula Wilk "Line" Large Oil Painting Exhibition
1987 - 画廊瓦特Pasażu - 弗罗茨瓦夫,波兰
1989 - 宽带无线接入 - “血淋淋的野上” - 弗罗茨瓦夫,波兰
1992年 - 画廊NA Odwachu弗罗茨瓦夫,波兰
1993年 - 马里沙龙,宽带无线接入 - 波兰的Nowy松奇,
1993年 - 画廊WzgórzeZamkowe - 鲁宾,波兰
1994年 - 画廊Gojowy - 德国克雷菲尔德,
1994 - 画廊的M - Oborniki西里西亚,波兰
1995年 - 画廊Skalna - Strzelin,波兰
1995年 - 阿尔特斯Amstgericht的 - Peterschagen,德国
1996年 - NA Odwachu画廊 - 弗罗茨瓦夫,波兰
1996年 - ZamekKsiążątBrzeskich - Brzeg的,波兰
1997年 - Państwowa画廊Sztuki - 莱格尼察,波兰
1999年 - Bałtycka画廊Sztuki - Ustka,波兰
2008 - 画廊DREI Eichen - Emern的,德国
2009 - Kościelak画廊 - 弗罗茨瓦夫,波兰
2010 - 画廊Skalna - Strzelin,波兰
“My private area of protected landscape"
“The amazing prodigality of nature in the use of blue”
The art is associated with the nature just as much as it is related to the man. / as the man is bound to her. Artist standing on the border of relation between the culture and nature is a link of these two worlds, a sensitive recipient and a sender. “The amazing prodigality of nature in the use of blue" is a continuation of the project “My private area of protected landscape”. The world is an indivisibleunity and it belongs to both the nature and the man, his work and his art. The exhibition which is a summary of the project, presents a complete cycle and will be created as a painting space in which the image (painting) will be understood as partof the world, fulfilling the function of communication within the same world andrealised only a certain degree of perfection. The world of art and artists, a variety of artistic attitudes is really infinite and cannot be grasped just like the world of nature. Each element is of the essence of macro and micro perspective.
Consequence of my painting attitude is an important element of diversity andcomplement the creation of a common consciousness and yet I feel like an integralpart of nature.
“My private area of protected landscape" - consists of open, paint compositionsabout 4 max 7 m, consisting of 77 modules x110cm creating a pictorial space that, depending on the capabilities of the exhibition can grow or narrow. At the same timeeach component of a larger whole is a finite, self-image.
Construction of painting environment is a direct reference to nature, which consists of an unlimited number of elements, and these elements function in an infinite number of combinations. It is difficult to remain indifferent towards this fascinating ability of nature to the variability and uniqueness and ability toevolve.
Nature can create itself, through the creation of spatial forms, unique structuresexisting for a moment or centuries, changing color and light depending on time of day or year.
Painting measures are used in a way that extends the boundaries of the image - the space beyond the image and the space within the image - an image not having a permanent stroke and line stopping. Aspect of the fragment to form a whole and the relationship - background (the voice that reaches the empty space, having equalimportance of form and colour).
Painting-Image understood in this way - there is nothing in the illusionist, is purely visual and aesthetic sensation, intuitively engineered by the artist andgenerating an infinite number of worlds. The value is what is elusive and unnamedvariables and the viewer is actively cooperates in the creation of new meanings, andmeanings.
Urszula Wilk