[2016-8-17 8:02:27]
Klega-Works done at Shangyuan residency
展览时间:2016-08-18 下午3:30
地 址:北京,怀柔,桥梓,沙峪口 (桥梓艺术公社)
在上苑艺术馆驻馆期间创作的作品 :
盯着那些盯着我们看的东西 (单频影像,10分30秒,2016)
创作中的作品: 池塘生命,通往天堂的阶梯
风景画 (单频影像, 15分钟, 2016)
这个首尔的瀑布“代表”了 一切宇宙万物之相:山与水,阴与阳。但是尽管瀑布能够用一个开关控制它的流动或静止,整个宇宙的运转却处于人类控制之外。
done at Shangyuan residency: Staring At Things Staring Back (single
channel video, 10’30’’, 2016) A commodity, an object, travels around the
building of Shangyuan museum like a tourist, savouring the views the
architecture, art and the landscape. The object, a pink bowl and a
fountain act like the commodity which stares back at us as we stare at
it; just like in Walter Benjamin’s example of a person we are looking at
on the train, who suddenly looks back at us. Our surprise at the sudden
discovery that there is another subject. The commodity and the artwork
are both magical objects which suddenly acquire their own subjectivity
or maybe they are just the distributed fragments of ourselves. Work in
Progress: Pond-Life , Stairway to Heaven Previous work: The Landscape
Painting (single channel video, 15"00, 2016) The waterfall is a standard
trope of oriental landscape paintings, with manifold meanings. This
waterfall in Seoul has been constructed like a painting, an “image”
which does not “represent” but “is” a waterfall. This waterfall
“represents” all the images of the waterfall as the movement of the
whole cosmos: water and mountain, yin and yang, for the benefit and
happiness of the people. However, although we can switch a waterfall on
or off, we cannot control the movements of the cosmos.
2001-08 博士,伦敦,金匠学院。
1995-97 硕士,伦敦,金匠学院。
1985-94 硕士学徒,柏林艺术大学。
2014 地方安排 (模仿占有),首尔,角落艺术空间。
예술로 Burn:짐, IAP, 韩国仁川。
Universal Studios, 首尔艺术博物馆。
동상이몽 (梦见别的梦), 白桦树画廊,首尔。
个人网站: aerlab.wordpress.com
Klega, born in Prague (1961), lives and works in London and Seoul.
2001-08 PhD, Goldsmiths’ College, London
1995-97 MA, Goldsmiths’ College, London
1985-94 Meisterschüler degree, HdK Berlin
selected exhibitions (since 2000 only, (S) = solo exhibition):
2015 Plastic Myth, ACC, Gwangju
Visible Air, KoMA, Seoul
Pyongchang Biennale 2015
2014 Local Arrangements (mimetic appropriations), Corner Art Space, Seoul (S)
예술로 Burn:짐, IAP, Incheon
Small Future, NamSeoul, SeMa, Seoul
Rhythm, Gallery 0914, Seoul
Universal Studios, Seoul Museum of Art, Seoul
동상이몽 (dreaming other dreams), White Birch/Jjnamu Gallery, Seoul (S)
2013 Reality, Perspectives and Encounters, Nanji exhibition hall, Seoul
Landscape and other Implements, Space Mass, Seoul (S)
Words Failed Me, ONewWall Gallery, Seoul (S)
Circle of Life, TEAF 2013, Ulsan
Good job, Good place, Good time, Osan Museum of Art
2012 Geumgang Nature Art Biennale 2012, Gongju
Popart Sejong Art Center, Seoul, Korea
Lets go back to Rose Inn, Guull space, Seoul, Korea
2011 Around the World in 80 Hours, LOOP, Seoul, Korea
Idonthaveyourmarbles (live auction), Maddox Gallery, London
2010 Around the World in 80 Hours, Suwon Art Center, Gyeonggi-do, Gallery Loop,
Seoul, Korea
Rude Britannia, Tate Britain, London
Group show, Paik Hea Young Gallery, Seoul
Tapestry, Die Kassette, Leipzig
ArtschoolUK.org, Cell Project Space, London
2008 To-Lo, Stephen Lawrence Gallery, London
The Golden Record, The Collective Gallery, Edinburgh
2007 Double Standarts, Tomo&Komo Gallery Tokyo
5 artworks, 5 stations, 5 days, Art on the Underground
2006 A New City, ARKO Museum, Seoul, Korea
Metropolis Rise, Shanghai and Bejing, China
2005 Only Minutes to Live, Temporarycontemporary, London
The Memory Remains, Hedah Maastricht, Netherland
HangulDada, Loop, Seoul, Korea
2004 Lost in Tomorrow 2., Copenhagen, Denmark
Kingdom, Market Gallery, Glasgow
2003 Klega, Loop Gallery, Seoul (South Korea) (S)
The Lost Collection of the Invisible Man, Laing Art Gallery, Newcastle
Lost in Tomorrow, CCA Mallorca, Andratx (Spain)
Bay of Joy Festival at Kliazma, Moscow (Russia)
2002 Naturellement, St Etienne (France)
Neverland, Cell Project Space, London
2001 Infinite Jest, Ten in One Gallery, New York
Imaginarium, vto, London
Insider Trading, The Mandeville, London
Hoesch-Museum, Dueren (Germany)
Klega, MUU, Helsinki
2000 The Raft, Nylon Gallery, London
These Epic Islands, Vilma Gold, London
Klega, 4X4, Amsterdam (S)
London Orphan Asylum, Openspace, Milan (Italy) and Melbourne (AUS)
Cheated, A22 Projects, London
Dilated Pupils, vto, London
Living with the Dutch, Erlanger Road, London
Zigzag, Galeria Thomas Cohn, Sao Paulo (Brasil)
2013 Words failed me, Klega, Seoul 2013, (isbn: 979-11-950642-1-2)
2012 “Ein Philosoph hat nur schlechte Tage”, in: Tanzen wir Philosophie, ed. H. Boehringer, J. A.Tillmanns, Salon Verlag, Koeln, 2012
“Community and Utopia”, in: Urban Regeneration & Community Art Project (Incheon) 2012
2009 How Altermodern are You? Edited by C. Lewisohn, Tate Britain Publication, London
2007 Our Comic Book, ed. Mel Brimfield, Revolver, ISBN 978-3-86588-419-0
2004 Pilot1 Book, Doubleplus, London (www.pilotlondon.org/2004/downloads/pilot_book_pr.pdf )
1994 100 Short Films, Vexer Verlag, St.Gallen, ISBN 3909090192
2015 ACC Plastic Myths
Pyongchang Biennale 2015
2014 예술로 Burn:짐, IAP, Incheon
Universal Studios, Seoul Museum of Art, Seoul
2013 Circle of Life, TEAF 2013, Ulsan
2012 Geumgang Nature Art Biennale 2012, Gongju
Popart, Sejong Art Center, Seoul
Let’s go back to Rose In, Gul space, Seoul
2010 Around the World in 80 Hours, Suwon Art Center, Suwon 2010
Rude Britannia, British Comic Art, ed. C. Lewisohn, et.al., ISBN: 9781854378866
2009 To-Lo Tokyo-London art exchange, London
2007 The Drawing Show, Factory Gallery, Seoul
2006 Metropolis Rise, New Art From London, Article Press, Birmingham, ISB1873352441
2004 ArtKliasma, Moscow
2003 Lost in Tomorrow, Asbaeck Gallery, Andtrax and Kopenhagen,
2002 Naturellement, Espace Fourielle, St.Etienne,
2000 The lost collection, Laing Art Gallery, Newcastle
1999 Zauberhaft, Dresden-Waldschloesschen, Germany