Rhoda Feng(诗人 美国)
[2015-12-28 11:18:24]
Rhoda Feng(诗人 美国)
美国卫斯理学院,比较文学学士。2013年7月至今为纽约The New Press杂志的初级编辑。
副学者, 《拉帕姆季刊》2013年春
E. Tu 中文写作奖2013
Thomas Rogers 最佳英语论文奖2011
SPJ 杰出奖: 网络意见和评论,国家奖 2010
总统表彰,石溪大学,4年全额奖学金 2009
AP 优秀学者 2009
英语杰出奖 2009
达特茅斯布克奖 2008
Wellesley College Wellesley, MA
B.A., Comparative Literature Major, Philosophy Minor
Durant Scholar Magna Cum Laude, Phi Beta Kappa, June 2013
The New Press New York, NY
Junior Editor July 2013-present
·Help the Executive Editor and Editorial Director evaluate, acquire, and publish a range of serious nonfiction and literary fiction in translation titles;
provide support to Editorial Department in all areas of organizational management.
·Prepare transmittal schedules for each season; fact-check, line edit, and transmit manuscripts; secure permissions; liaise with authors and agents; maintain editorial files; route contracts and prepare check requests,
draft catalog and jacket copies; upload copy to New Press website; prepare blurb solicitation and “big mouth” letters.
·Create tip sheets for Perseus sales conferences by positioning titles, developing key selling points, generating accurate comparison titles,
and uploading details to Helix.
·Read proposals and agented submissions and write reader’s reports.
·Generate book advance tracking spreadsheets for each fiscal year.
·Schedule, prepare agendas, and disseminate minutes for weekly editorial meetings; help organize biweekly intern lunch seminars with guest speakers;
spearhead creation of “About the New Press” booklet for new staff.
Freelance writer July 2010-June 2013
·Contribute opinion articles, essays, book reviews, and interviews to the Guardian, Atlantic Online, Paris Review Daily, Huffington Post, and Broad Recognition.
Open Society Foundations New York, NY
Research “Wintern” Winter 2013
·Conducted research on diverse models of individual grant making in public policy realms; compiled report identifying best practices (standards of excellence)
and presented findings to Fellowship team.
·Helped launch new Rights and Global Governance Internship program by identifying 40+ host institutions.
·Participated in weekly staff meetings; interviewed select Fellows; drafted summaries of events and conference calls to be circulated to all members of foundation.
Christian Science Monitor Boston, MA
Editorial Intern and Contributor Jan. 2012-May 2012
·Pitched ideas to Books editor and contributed weekly articles to online Books section; managed social media accounts; attended staff meetings.
Research Assistant to Rebecca Mead Dec. 2011-May 2012
·Transcribed 11,000-word interview for New Yorker staff writer Rebecca Mead; researched dozens of archived articles and book chapters for Mead’s My Life in Middlemarch.
Boston Chinatown Neighborhood Center Boston, MA
Adult Education Tutor Oct. 2011-May 2012
·Created and implemented lesson plans to help newly arrived Chinese immigrant improve her English speaking, reading, and writing skills; assigned and checked homework.
Research Assistant to Prof. Yoon Sun Lee Nov. 2011-Jan. 2012
·Compiled bibliography, regularized footnotes, proofread all chapters, and researched articles and permission requests for Modern Minority: Asian American Literature and
Everyday Life.
openDemocracy, Editorial Intern Oct. 2011-Jan. 2012
·Edited, fact-checked, inserted images and hyperlinks, and wrote summaries for articles; created Friday front pages; moderated comments; updated Submissions Tracker.
Constellations: A Journal of Critical and Democratic Theory, Intern July 2011-Sep. 2011
·Read manuscripts and discussed their suitability for publication with submissions coordinator; assigned each paper to an editor as well as 2-10 external reviewers; liaised with authors and reviewers.
Seven Stories Press New York, NY
Editorial Intern June-Aug. 2011
·Fact-checked, copyedited, proofread, and formatted Censored 2012 and Human Rights Watch World Report 2012 as well as works by Noam Chomsky, Stanley Moss, Fred Wilcox,
and Loretta Napoleoni.
·Pitched Ina May Gaskin’s Birth Matters to 150 bloggers and writers, and mailed out review copies.
·Created spreadsheet of 279 SSP titles on Kindle and noted corrections to be made to e-book metadata.
·Participated in weekly staff meetings; updated Master Database; sorted and forwarded mail.
Guernica New York, NY
Editorial Intern June-Aug. 2010
ŸFact-checked pieces for Features section and blog; read unsolicited fiction manuscripts, composed reader’s reports, and sent rejection letters; wrote an article on child labor in
Kazakhstan for Guernica Daily.
Wellesley Globalist, Managing Editor Sep. 2012-May 2013
·Came up with story ideas for the new international affairs magazine; solicited contributions; helped with fund-raising; liaised with writers; edited all submissions; managed submissions spreadsheet.
Diversity Committee, Co-Student Body Liaison Spring 2012
·Worked to resolve and foster campus discussion on issues related to class, race, gender, sexuality, religion, age, etc. through outreach and educational programs.
Her Campus Stony Brook, Editor-in-Chief Dec. 2010-May 2011
·Wrote about campus life, news, and events for online women’s magazine; brainstormed and assigned story ideas; edited all articles; updated site regularly; liaised with
team of 13 staff and contributing writers; planned agenda for meetings; supervised Business and Editorial teams; publicized branch in flyers and email newsletters.
Awards & Honors
Adjunct Scholar, Lapham’s Quarterly Spring 2013
E. Tu Chinese Writing Prize 2013
Three Generations Prize for Writing in the Social Sciences 2013
Thomas Rogers Award for Best Essay in English 2011
Undergraduate Recognition Award for Academic Excellence 2011
SPJ Mark of Excellence Award: Online Opinion & Commentary, National Winner 2010
Presidential Recognition Scholarship, Stony Brook (four year full-tuition merit scholarship) 2009
National Merit Scholar 2009
AP Scholar with Distinction 2009
Outstanding Achievement in English 2009
Dartmouth Book Award 2008