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[2015-7-29 9:24:33]


" safety of anxieties" installation works exhibition in Shangyuan Art Museum  by Wang Kai and Christopher Pelley

主 题:意外与焦虑

Title:  Accident and Anxiety


Artist:  Wangkai(China), Christopher Pelley (US)

策展人: 程小蓓

Curator:  Xiaobei Cheng(China)


Date: August 4


Venue: Beijing Huairou Qiaozi- Shangyuan Art Museum


Organizer:Shangyuan Art Museum


Wang Kai, a young Chinese artist who wantsto break the barrier of current artistic method, and Christopher Pelly, anAmerican artist who has a soft spot for Lei Feng, accidentally combined theirworks together here in Shangyuan, between the space in library and cafeteria. Theirworks formed a naturally ironic pair. 


Wang’s work was originally made for Bird’sNest Art Center, with the theme of environmentalism. It is an installation named Normality. He uses masks as a symbolizing element to cover the Bird’s Nest.When air pollution becomes normal in our daily life, Wang Kai has the urge tocover our buildings and cities with masks. He extracted these creative characters from today’s social life and created this piece of installation named it Fetal Breath with 500 masks.


When Wang was showing his ideas on the internet,I suggested hi that he should make it true in Shangyuan. The final form is verydifferent from his original design, but this is what happens during the processof creation. What makes me even more surprised is that Wang Kai has sublimated the theme of his work from a simple criticism of air pollution, he added apillow in the middle of 500 masks: an object which represents sense of safetyand root of dream. It touched me immediately: what a sweet and caring man ishe! Oh pillow! The thing that many of us are reluctant to leave.


However, this Fetal Breath under Christopher’s Lei Feng made from stocks. Lei Feng here represents an imperfectman, but a political symbol and a representation of the figure that suppressesthe freedom of Chinese people. When thinking about this, I couldn’t hold mytears. Two idealists from different countries with different culturalbackground, they ask the questions: How can we protect our love and our dreams?How to protect our life and safety? How can we face the degenerating world? Howcan we resist the trample of the rice and powerful? How can we preserve autopia in this materialistic world? These are our long-lasting anxiety.


Christopher has a Chinese name, MaSaiKe, whichmeans mosaic. It was given to him by his fellow artists because his works aremainly made by mosaic method. He likes this name for its simplicity and becauseit is easy to remember. Before he came to Shangyuan last year, he spent a lotof time to know China. He picked a very symbolic Chinese, Lei Feng, as the archetype.I helped him ordering stocks online, with black, grey and white color, totally 600 pairs. He spent 3 month to finish this project. Now it is presented on WangKai’s Fetal Birth. This unintended arrangement, coincidentally opened thesource of our anxiety.

By Cheng Xiaobei 程小蓓






2011 临界-王恺个人作品展             798宏艺术空间  北京


2015 保利十周年当代青锋艺术博览会       北京农展馆  北京

2015 上苑艺术馆驻馆创作计划艺术家亮相展  上苑艺术馆 北京

2015 破/绽 图画手工第六回            偏锋新艺术空间 北京

2015 “里仁为美”新世纪文化之源全国巡展  上上美术馆 北京

2015 首届乌合全国青年艺术家作品展        南岸美术馆 上海

2014 “汇点”京津冀青年艺术家联展        上上美术馆 北京

2014 亚洲青年艺术家提名展                  宋洋美术 北京

2014 “常态”当代艺术展                大河湾美术馆 北京

2014 “灵性的蜕变”梵尘当代艺术展            慧空间 北京

2014 北京基督教艺术展   北京市基督教两会 吴东魁美术馆北京

2014 中国新野性艺术30年回顾展       第五届艺术广东 广州

2014 中国新野性艺术邀请展第二季           罗丹美术馆 北京

2014 中国新野性艺术邀请展第一季           罗丹美术馆 北京

2014 内蒙古自治区第四届写生作品展   内蒙古美术馆 呼和浩特

2014 建国65周年内蒙古美术作品展    内蒙古美术馆 呼和浩特

2013 艺术中国精品回顾展          北京文博会 易爵艺廊 北京

2012 艺术中国全国画展        北京文博会 尊美汇艺术机构北京

2010 艺术中国全国油画展     北京文博会 环铁时代美术馆 北京    

2010 世界和平艺术展       大叶大学 八卦山禅艺阁 台湾


{中国当代艺术文献} 湖南美术出版社

{首届乌合全国当代艺术展} 上海美术出版社


{中国新野性艺术} 中国书画家出版社

{2010艺术中国} 中国青年出版社





American, born 1955




Arizona State University, Tempe, AZ


BFA Summa cum Laude


Syracuse University, Syracuse, NY



2012“MIRABILIA UREIS ROMAS”克里斯托弗·佩利?新作品展,海豚宫 –罗马,意大利

2012 MIRABILIA URBIS ROMAE Christopher Pelley/new works, Palazzo Delfini, Rome, Italy

2012“为您服务是我们的荣幸”Vizivarosi画廊 –布达佩斯,匈牙利

2010 It’s Our Pleasure to Serve You, Vizivarosi Gallery, Budapest, Hungar

2008“欺骗欲望”拉尔森画廊 –斯科茨代尔,亚利桑那州,美国

2008 Deception of Desire, Larsen Gallery, Scottsdale, AZ, USA

2005 “旁经” Ogilvie-Pertl画廊 –芝加哥,伊利诺伊州,美国

2005 Apocrypha, Ogilvie-Pertl Gallery, Chicago, IL, USA

1999“格列柯/罗马”莫尼克·戈尔茨坦画廊 –纽约,美国

1999 Greco/Roman, Monique Goldstrom Gallery, New York, NY, USA  



2013“举手表决”图森艺术博物馆 –图森,亚利桑那州,美国

2013 A Show of Hands, Tucson Museum of Art, Tucson, AZ, USA  

2008“被永久收藏的艺术家大选”阿勒格尼山南部博物馆 –洛雷托,宾夕法尼亚州,美国

2008 Artists at Large - Selections from the Permanent Collection, Southern Alleghenies Museum of Art,        Loretto, PA , USA


2007 Individual Format, Pickled Art Center, Beijing, China  

2006“自己动手:工具的艺术”凤凰机场博物馆 –凤凰城,亚利桑那州,美国

2006 Do It Yourself: the Art of Tools, Phoenix Airport Museum, Phoenix, AZ, USA


2005 Toronto International Art Fair, Toronto, ON, Canada

Christopher Pelley CV:


Arizona State University, Tempe, AZ

BFA Summa cum Laude

Syracuse University, Syracuse, NY


2012 MIRABILIA URBIS ROMAE Christopher Pelley/new works, Palazzo Delfini, Rome, Italy

2011  Roman Laundry (bucato alla romana) installation, Rome, Italy

2010    It’s Our Pleasure to Serve You, Vizivarosi Gallery, Budapest, Hungary

2008    Deception of Desire, Larsen Gallery, Scottsdale, AZ

2005 Apocrypha, Ogilvie-Pertl Gallery, Chicago, IL

Lexicon, Abbozzo Gallery, Oakville, ON, Canada

Recurrent Themes, Larsen Gallery, Scottsdale, AZ

2004 Journeys (to places I’ve never seen), Cultural Exchange Gallery, Scottsdale, AZ

2003 Chinoiserie, Robischon Gallery, Denver CO

2002 Ancient Histories, West Valley Art Museum, Surprise, AZ

2001 Ancient Histories, The Cultural Exchange Gallery, Scottsdale, AZ

2000 The Times of the Day, The Cultural Exchange Gallery, Scottsdale, AZ

Labyrinthine, Visual Arts Gallery, County College of Morris, Randolph, NJ

1999 Greco/Roman, Monique Goldstrom Gallery, New York, NY

Still Life, Abbozzo Gallery, Oakville, ON, Canada

1997 From Arcadia to Zeuxis, Arts in the Academy, The National Academy of Sciences, Washington, DC                                                                                      

Pentimentos, The Cultural Exchange, Scottsdale, AZ

1993 Small Constructed Narratives, Bentley Gallery, Scottsdale, AZ

1989 Paintings, Works on Paper, Marilyn Butler Fine Art, Scottsdale, AZ

1988 Allegory, Marilyn Butler Fine Art, Scottsdale, AZ

1987 Narrative Paintings, Saxon Lee Gallery, Los Angeles, CA

1986 Paintings / Constructions, Marilyn Butler Fine Art, Scottsdale, AZ


2013     A Show of Hands, Tucson Museum of Art, Tucson, AZ

Inaugural,  Front Art Space, New York, NY

2010 A I R, Duna Gallery, Budapest, Hungary

2008    10 years: Hungarian International Artists Residents, Vizivarosi Gallery, Budapest, Hungary

Artists at Large - Selections from the permanent Collection, Southern Alleghenies Museum of       Art, Loretto, PA

2007    Individual Format, Pickled Art Center, Beijing, China

Extreme Media, Balatonfured Congress Center, Balatonfured, Hungary

 Summer!,  Applegate Gallery, Santa Monica, CA

2006 Do It Yourself: the Art of Tools, Phoenix Airport Museum, Phoenix, AZ

Focus, Larsen Gallery, Scottsdale, AZ

In the Viewing Room: Paintings by David Kroll, Christopher Pelley and Jamie Brunson,

Robischon Gallery, Denver, CO                                              

2005 Toronto International Art Fair, Toronto, ON, Canada

2004 Small Wonders, Ogilvie-Pertl Gallery, Chicago, IL

2003 Dichotomies, Robischon Gallery, Denver, CO

Water, Abbozzo Gallery, Oakville, ON, Canada

2001 Looking at Landscape, Abbozzo Gallery, Oakville, ON, Canada

1999 Magic Realism, Southern Alleghenies Museum of Art, Loretto, PA (catalogue)

1998 Hindsight, Joseph Gross Gallery, University of Arizona, Tucson, AZ

Space and Surface, Monique Goldstrom Gallery, New York, NY



1997 Tools as Art, Selections from the Hechinger Collection, National Building Museum,

Washington, DC

1995 Incontro / Encounter, Tribeca 148 Gallery, New York, NY

Buoys: Marking the Place, Renegade Spaces Exhibition, curated by Bill Bace, New York, NY    


1994 The Box Show, K & E Gallery, New York, NY

Italy-America, Castello di Ducale, Crecchio, Italy (catalogue)

Reality and Beyond, BEMIS Center for Contemporary Art, Omaha, NF,

10x10: Ten Dealers Pick Ten Artists, Tribeca 148 Gallery, New York, NY

Varied Visions: Interpretations of the Landscape, Virginia Miller Gallery, Coral Gables Fl

1992 Evento, APE Gallery, New York, NY

1993 Art of the Spirit, The Center for Transcultural Exchange, New York, NY

Contemporary Realists, Bentley Tomlinson Gallery, Scottsdale, AZ

1990 Monotypes from the Sharokh Rezvani Workshop, Nelson Fine Arts Center,

Arizona State University, Tempe, AZ

Musical Instruments in Art, Scottsdale Center for the Arts, Scottsdale, AZ

1989 Tools, San Francisco Airports Commission Exhibition Program, San Francisco, CA  (catalogue)                      

1988 Four Square Feet, Sazama Brauer Gallery, Chicago, IL

Food in Art, Arizona Museum for Youth, Mesa, AZ

1987 The Current Landscape, Felicita Foundation for the Arts, Escondido, CA (catalogue)

Point of View: Landscapes by Martha Armstrong, Jane Everhart and Christopher Pelley,

Sazama Brauer Gallery, Chicago, IL

1986 Landscape in the Age of Anxiety, Lehman College Art Gallery, The City University of New

York, The Bronx, NY, The Cleveland Center for Contemporary Art, Cleveland, OH (catalogue)

1985 The Romantic Landscape, Monique Knowlton Gallery, New York, NY

Southwest ’85, Museum of Fine Arts, Santa Fe, NM (catalogue)

New Masks for Modern Liv



上苑 & 鸟巢-文学艺术国际联盟(简称:国际文盟)

International Network of Literature and ArtINLA

电话: 010-60635299 60635757

Website: http://www.inlac.cc/


□京承高速12出口 > 右拐过水渠西行2KM > 良善庄路口北行到底>右拐300m路北


Bird’s Nest Cultural Center has 15,000 square meters’ construction area. It is an important component of the architectural space of Bird’s Nest. The cultural center, based upon the architectural characters of the National Stadium/Bird’s Nest, strong Olympic spirit and unique brand culture, is now completing the role as a high end facility for cultural events and conferences which Bird’s Nest lacks as an outdoor sport stadium.

