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“文学艺术国际联盟委员会”​(简称:国际文委)英文:International Netw

[2008-4-19 9:42:03]


英文:International Network of Literature and Art CommitteeINLAC






为广泛开展世界范围内的文学艺术交流与创作, 上苑艺术馆于2003年组织和接洽了世界各地的艺术活动——创作计划、学术交流、专题对话、展示展览、作品讨论、文学诗歌活动、艺术教育……。之后又由诗人明迪创立了国际诗人之家,开展驻馆诗人、作家、译者计划。10年里来自世界各地——美国、波兰、法国、德国、日本、韩国、印度、印度尼西亚、土耳其、澳大利亚、加拿大、墨西哥…尤其是中国各地的优秀艺术家,纷纷前往进行艺术试验与创作。因此形成了一个渐渐庞大的驻馆艺术家团体。






更好地使国际驻馆创作计划在全球范围里进行:在美术、建筑、文学诗歌、音乐、舞台剧、影视等不同门类里,展开了卓有成效的一系列活动。每年组织和选拔全球的优秀艺术家30名左右,进行驻馆创作。这个计划在不间断地进行。另外还将更广泛地开展中国艺术家与欧洲艺术家的交流活动,如我们作品展览、艺术讨论、演出、综合艺术的合作…… 。上苑艺术馆的艺术家们将成为一股不能忽略的艺术力量,最终成为我们这个时代的不可忽视的艺术之声。



Ludwika Ogorzelec  (上苑驻馆法国艺术家Shangyuan Art Museum Arts)

Agnieszka Budyńska (上苑驻馆印度文化使者Shangyuan Art Museum European Representative

Patricia Briggs Ph. D. (上苑美国艺术顾问、批评家、博士Shangyuan Art Museum American Art Consultant

Urszula Wilk  (上苑驻馆波兰著名艺术家 Shangyuan Art Museum Arts)











西   川(著名诗人、中央美院人文学院院长)







International Network of Literature and Art Committee (INLAC)

INLAC is an art and literature organization in Europe established up by artists who joined Shangyuan Art Museum’s International Exchange Programme which has been successfully operating for 5 years.


Process of Establishing INLAC:

In order to promote worldwide communication and creation of art and literature, Shangyuan Art Museum started an annual international exchange programme of artists and poets since 2003. Major activities including: creation programme; academic exchange; exhibition; art works discussion; literary salon and art education, etc. Afterwards, poet Mingdi established International Home of Poets, now we have residency programme for poets, writers and translators.



Promoting art creation, especially those related to the very moment of artists own existence and driven from the impulse of real life experience, from artists who are working in the field and sharing the characteristic of creativity and poetic is our main focus. At the same time, attention is also paid by us to promote the interactions of different art forms and help young artists to develop.


Purpose of Founding Shangyuan Art Museum

In order to carry out the International Artists Exchange Programme. In the field of art, architecture, literature and poetry, music, dance and stage play, we have conducted a serial of successful activities. We select around 30 artists global wide to join our residency programme every year, and we have our own Shangyuan Art Critics so artists and critics can have a mutual relationship for their own development. This programme has been carried out for 5 years, and will still going on continuously. In the meanwhile, we want to encourage the interaction between Chinese and European artists in all different fields, for example, exhibition, conference, drama play and dancing show.

Finally, artists from Shangyuan Art Museum will become a power which cannot be negligible in this era.



Members of the Committee:

Ludwika Ogorzelec – (Poland Shangyuan Art Museum)

Agnieszka Budyńska (Poland Shangyuan Art Museum European Representative)

Dr. Patricia Briggs (US Shangyuan Art Museum American Art Consultant)

Urszula Wilk (Poland Shangyuan Art Museum Arts)

Canxue (Novelist)

Cui Weiping (Writer, Professor of Beijing Film Academy)

Cheng Xiaobei (Poet, Art Supervisor of Shangyuan Art Museum)

Daozi (Poet, Professor of Fine Arts College of Tsinghua University)

Gao Minglu (Artist, Ph. D from Harvard University)

Hu Jiujiu (Poet, Journalist)

Jiang Hao (Poet)

Lan lan  (Poet)

Sun Wenbo (Poet)

Xichuan  (Poet, Head of the School of Humanities of Central Academy of Fine Arts)

Xiao Kaiyu (Poet, Professor of Henan University)

Xia Kejun (Art Critic, Professor of China Remin University)

Xu Weixin (Painter, Professor of China Remin University)

Xu Zhongping (Painter, Art Educator)






International Network of Literature and Art Committee (INLAC)

INLAC is an art and literature organization in Europe established up by artists who joined Shangyuan Art Museum’s International Exchange Programme which has been successfully operating for 5 years.


Process of Establishing INLAC:

In order to promote worldwide communication and creation of art and literature, Shangyuan Art Museum started an annual international exchange programme of artists and poets since 2003. Major activities including: creation programme; academic exchange; exhibition; art works discussion; literary salon and art education, etc. Afterwards, poet Mingdi establishedInternational Home of Poets, now we have residency programme for poets, writers and translators.



Promoting art creation, especially those related to the very moment of artists own existence and driven from the impulse of real life experience, from artists who are working in the field and sharing the characteristic of creativity and poetic is our main focus. At the same time, attention is also paid by us to promote the interactions of different art forms and help young artists to develop.


Purpose of Founding Shangyuan Art Museum

In order to carry out the International Artists Exchange Programme. In the field of art, architecture, literature and poetry, music, dance and stage play, we have conducted a serial of successful activities. We select around 30 artists global wide to join our residency programme every year, and we have our own Shangyuan Art Critics so artists and critics can have a mutual relationship for their own development. This programme has been carried out for 5 years, and will still going on continuously. Finally, artists from Shangyuan Art Museum will become a power which cannot be negligible in this era.




Members of the Committee:

Ludwika Ogorzelec – (Poland Shangyuan Art Museum)

Agnieszka Budyńska (Poland Shangyuan Art Museum European Representative)

Dr. Patricia Briggs (US Shangyuan Art Museum American Art Consultant)

Urszula Wilk (Poland Shangyuan Art Museum Arts)

Canxue (Novelist)

Cui Weiping (Writer, Professor of Beijing Film Academy)

Cheng Xiaobei (Poet, Art Supervisor of Shangyuan Art Museum)

Daozi (Poet, Professor of Fine Arts College of Tsinghua University)

Gao Minglu (Artist, Ph. D from Harvard University)

Hu Jiujiu (Poet, Journalist)

Jiang Hao (Poet)

Sun Wenbo (Poet)

Xichuan (Poet, Head of the School of Humanities of Central Academy of Fine Arts)

Xiao Kaiyu (Poet, Professor of Henan University)

Xia Kejun (Art Critic, Professor of China Remin University)

Xu Weixin (Painter, Professor of China Remin University)

Xu Zhongping (Painter, Art Educator)



美国明尼苏达大学教授戴安娜,上苑美国艺术顾问艺术评论家Patricia Briggs博士与上苑驻馆艺术家






    下年度国际创作计划现已启动, 倡导“具有创造性与诗性语言特质的,和艺术家生存的现在相关的生命体验为创作准则的各类艺术创新”,发现在野的优秀艺术创作者。跨界的艺术交流能使在馆创作的艺术家们,从各种不同门类的艺术创作中吸吮原创力,从而扩大视野、刺激感观、完成对自己的挖掘与发现。







美国加洲美术学院院长中国事务顾问教授Ming Ren、明尼苏达艺术学院院长Jay Coogan……来到上苑艺术馆。


Shangyuan Art Scene Will Offer Free Studios, Apartments and Exhibition Spaces for You

Our aim is to discover and promote talented art practitioners. We encourage art pertaining to one’s own existence and life experience, distinguished by creativity and poetic quality. We would like to choose 10 artists each year to participate in our residency program, which runs from March to October. We do not restrict your age, education background, nationality or ethnic group. We only require that you should be the creator of the paintings, sculptures, architecture designs or other art forms which you submit. This fact will be affirmed by no less than three committee members of Shangyuan Art Scene.

The first step of application is to recommend oneself or be recommended by others. You should present your personal resume and the application for joining the program; meanwhile you should send us ten digitalized pieces of your works through email or DVD/CD disc. After confirmation by the committee of Shangyuan Art Scene, we will offer you free spaces to work, live and exhibit for seven months. After these seven months, we will organize a symposium which will also include exhibition, publication and criticism of your works.

To introduce yourself, you can send your books, information on your works and resume to the office of Shangyuan Art Scene. Or you can record your personal information in JPG form and spend to us by email to ssyuan@126.com. Please archive your document with both pictures and words. The time to accept application is from now on to Dec 27th, 2012.

Members of Shangyuan Art Scene Committee, their recommendation will be high on our list of priorities.

Time for application: July to December
Time for Choosing: December 20th to 30th
Time for announcement: January to February Next Year
Time for the Residency Programme: April to October
If you want to know Shangyuan Art Scene, please see this documentary!

                                              Shangyuan Art Scene




















12日在上苑艺术馆成功举行了一场“可视的音乐&可听的美术” 晚会
“樱花树后的房子”— 哈金最新短篇小说读后(图)