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List of the artists in the 2011 International Resi

[2011-1-28 17:20:46]


List of the artists admitted into the International Residence Programme of Shangyuan Art Museum in 2011 and the reasons for their admission.

International Residence Programme of Shangyuan Art Museum in 2011 has selected the adequate candidates after a round of intensive vote by the art council and ex residential artists in December, 2010. Visual arts candidates were selected by the executive council of contemporary visual art while none visual arts candidates was selected by the executive council of none visual art. Thirty three residential artists were finally picked out of eighty seven candidates. They will get together in Shangyuan Art Museum, Beijing in 2011 and attend the residential working and communication lasting seven to eight months along with six artists from three United States universities (University of Wisconsin, University of Minnesota as well as MCAD).

The rules for our final decision are:

1.       Whether the artist is honest: whether it is necessary to express, the way in which it must be expressed and relation between the work and the artist should be considered.

2.       The artists must use a good art method to express, and no matter what art method has been chosen, the techniques is not the most important, but basic.

3.       Giving young artists more opportunities.

4.       Some artists’ techniques may not be excellent. They principally make choices based on the perspective of art ideas, from which we can see their sensitivity of our society, system and living circumstances and their future potential.

 Poem, Film, Music, Criticism

唐  棣——理由:通过电影进行的哲学追问;在他的电影里、在他的诗里,有对时间的守候与放逐,并将自己流放其中。


徐 琛 ——理由:上苑需要更多活跃的艺术批评人参与其中。希望能够由你调动起一种和我们共同建立起来的-非官方的、民主的、开放的“上苑艺术批评精神”。




行为Action Art

Gokcen Dilek ACAY(土耳其,女)-理由:时间成为作品的主角。

Reason for selection:When time becomes the leading role in her works.


黄  香——理由:忍耐、体验和观念的指向性。

黄  淋——理由:狂欢式的方式带来的观念的拓展。


装置Installation Art

JI YOUNG SHON(韩国、女)——理由:细腻和突变。

Reason for selection:Delicate and changeable.

Ludwika Ogorzelec(波兰、女)——理由:力量-是自然的还是文化的?

Reason for selection:Power - from nature or culture?

n^R/2?%k9O6k!N3@YO_HMnGo?3v0lpHp6h%-t3">Daniel Eduardo Ruanova García(墨西哥)——理由:所有材料在他手里都变成充满抗争的力量。

Reason: All the materials turn into power and strength of fighting through his working.

刘  斌 ——理由:情感所对应的物质温度。

马玉江 ——理由:作品考虑了与大众的距离,对公共艺术的诘问:是否甘心肤浅?是否甘心单薄?


耶  苏——理由:个人对公共生活的干预;介入生活的观念。





方 诚、——理由:对脆弱内心的持续关注;率性的绘画感。

任 静 ——理由:用沉静的语言表达青春迷惑。

卢 明 ——理由:影像转变为绘画所形成的中空地带。


刘家华 ——理由:迷乱的现实跻身在文化的表象之下。

温  度 ——理由:东方哲学的诉求。

姚 巍——理由:精神性的诉求。



黄  成 ——理由: 高超的技巧戏谑的观念 。




水墨Ink Painting


7?T1wFoqF@uS*RXm7g1C2xQtf6!pWTi" target=_blank>程 璐(女)——理由:幽默、放纵的文人画。





K%*0&404/OmDSQwliZ$Emxv^Avya:dOfwXP:Cl?/U:" target=_blank>米玉明(女)——理由:后工业社会的女性表达。


revealed 3299 times

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Tel:010-60635299 60635757 Postcode:102212
Address:Shangyuan Village, Changping District, Bejing, China.
Support:9oao Studio