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艺术批评 > 艺术批评
上苑批评 | Comments by | Josh Gibbs

[2021-8-4 21:35:38]

上苑批评 | Comments by  |  Josh Gibbs



Regarding Lingyan’s most recentinstallations, these daring depictions of the rhinoceros, an odd and unexpectedchoice, open up an uneasy though inquisitive corner of the mind. A dense, burlybeast with a tough hide and an obvious link to harsher prehistoric times iscondensed to a very vulnerable, light, ethereal being trapped in a grid or asan ominous spotlight, outlined in ghostly chalk and an alarming red line. It’sthese opposites, either strikingly contrasting or subtly blended together,which recur across her eclectic yet concisely-themed wider body of expressiveoutcomes.



With differing measures of playfulness andsombreness, her paintings and installations succinctly flit between a clearly defined, grounded concrete reality andan abstract one of delicate illusion. From poignant yet bizarre crime scenes tothe polarising of fundamental opposites, we are offered new forms from herfusing together of what is more immediately recognisable with what is far lessgraspable.



There is a cutting vividness to her shapes asthey sit within ethereal, wandering tunnels and landscapes; a certain spikyquality jumps out of washed out, glazed over cerebral realms. Therefreshingly nuanced range of hues, textures and overall aesthetics arethoughtfully channelled and tempered within the artist’s choice array ofexposed platforms. These visual alarm bells that come with her curious choiceof materials are placed amongst highly immersive, enveloping backdrops.



These jarring clashes which arethoughtfully woven into her work thoroughout have a very provocative nature.From painting to installation, the object of each work’s material likeness—  ridged or smooth, soft or firm — bobsand weaves between its identifiable nature and an alien otherness, neversolidly in one place, tricky to completely pin down. Largely elusive, it isalways a question of two. The dualities present in her work come in many formsand are neatly crystallised into a series of well-packaged, symbiotic vignettes— the resonance of simple answers to questions, the implications of gender, andvolumes of pale obliqueness fading behind representations of the very personal,tangible experiences of the artist.


猫境  160*190cm 布面油画  2021












《矛盾》 40*40cm 4幅 布面丙烯 20192021

《穿越》系列  90*170cm 4幅 布面丙烯  2018


上苑批评 | 被轻触而安放的生灵 秦姣姣 ​
上苑批评 | 舲雁作品观感 肖毓方
上苑现场 | 山泉涌出的地方 | 舲雁个展开幕
| 展​讯 | 不现实的报告:舲雁个展
北京上苑艺术馆 ~ 黄山创作基地 介绍​
上苑现场 | 邱真个展于8月22​日开幕