新闻 > 图片新闻
[2019-11-12 5:55:34]
展览时间 | Duration: 2019.10.12 – 10.14
开幕 | Opening:2019.10.12,3:30pm
地点 | Venue:北京市怀柔区桥梓镇沙峪口村上苑艺术馆Shangyuan Art Museum, Qiaozi County, Huairou District, Beijing
前言 | Intro:
何家明個展的主題‘AI =?’隨著科學技術的發展,從現實世界延展到虛擬世界回到現實世界,它在人類社會生活中會產生什麼樣的影響:在現在,這些物的所在是在擴大我們的生存空間還是壓縮我們的生存空間?它是構建一座移動的牢籠還是構建一座人間花園;物是沒有是非之分,它建立在掌控者的慾望之下,來賦予它對錯多種觀念給人帶來、產生新的精神困境。在未來,人成為物的所在?還是人成為人?主宰著自己的命運?
The theme of Jiaming He ’s solo exhibition ‘AI =? ’With the development of science and technology, from the real world to the virtual world, back to the real world, what kind of influence will it have in human social life: at present, these things are expanding our living space or compressing our living space? Whether it is to build a mobile cage or to build a human garden; things are no right and wrong, it is built under the desire of the controller, to give it a variety of ideas to bring people a new spiritual dilemma. In the future, where is human beings? Still people become people? Dominating your own destiny?
现场图片 | Photos from the Exhibition
A scar of light | variable size | oil on canvas, LED strip, sand | 2019
关于艺术家 | About the artist
He Jiaming, born in 1984 in Leizhou, Guangdong,China,a freelance artist, lives and works in Beijing.