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美术 > 2014年驻馆艺术家
Jaime Angelopoulos(装置 )加拿大

[2013-12-10 10:24:45]

Jaime Angelopoulos(装置 )加拿大

2010 | M.F.A. ,约克大学,多伦多
2005 |博鳌亚洲论坛, NSCAD大学,主修艺术,副修艺术史,哈利法克斯, NS

2014 | PARISIAN洗衣,蒙特利尔( 3月26日至4月26日)
2013 |加热理性的锤,剑桥画廊,由伊贺雅尼克,剑桥,开策划
2012 |在你的袖子, YYZ艺术家出口,多伦多,对贼
2012 |总而言之,格里姆斯比公立艺术画廊,格里姆斯比,开
2012 |他们觉得这么多它感动了我,艺术空间,彼得伯勒,开
2012 |纸厂12 :工程纸, PARISIAN洗衣,蒙特利尔当代艺术博览会
2012 |有些东西存在,库联接,弗雷德里克顿, NB (含井架Piens )
2012 |找到它,巴里它,跨越画廊,卡尔加里
2011 |他们觉得这么多它感动了我, PARISIAN洗衣,蒙特利尔
2010 |我想我知道你,艺术硕士毕业论文,大风画廊,约克大学,多伦多
2007 |继表格,玛丽·凯瑟琳杜林画廊, SMU ,达拉斯,德克萨斯州美国
2006 |咖啡和糖在床, (表演及展览)的其他画廊,班夫, AB
2006 |新的雕塑,在其他画廊,班夫艺术中心,班夫, AB
2005 |制作眼镜+手推车和番茄酱(性能) ,安娜Leonowens
画廊,哈利法克斯, NS

2013 |艺术多伦多,多伦多国际艺术博览会,多伦多(即将推出)
2013 |无题,国际当代艺术博览会,迈阿密海滩,迈阿密(即将推出)
2013 |夏天在巴黎的巴黎洗衣,蒙特利尔
2012 | PARISIAN洗衣,蒙特利尔
2012 |反式/形式:物质作为主题>新视角,当代博物馆的加拿大艺术(摩卡) ,由大卫利斯,多伦多策划
2012 |美术旋转,仓库展览,多伦多(由丁子瑞策展人)
2012 |夏天在巴黎的巴黎洗衣@德雷克实验室,多伦多
2012 |磁性脉冲, XPACE文化中心,多伦多
2011 |多伦多国际艺术博览会, PARISIAN洗衣,多伦多
2011 |体验观点,梅赛德斯 - 奔驰金融服务,得克萨斯州沃思堡
2011 |纸厂11 :工程纸,巴黎洗衣,蒙特利尔当代艺术博览会
2011 |的SHOW.11 ,剑桥画廊,剑桥,开
2011 |夏天在巴黎的巴黎洗衣,蒙特利尔
2010 |奇怪的角度,峰值画廊,多伦多
2010 |会客厅,国家绘图研讨会,摆画廊,温哥华
2010 |艺术自旋多伦多,仓库安装,通过睿皮门塔,多伦多策划
2010 |试验场2 ,艺术,玛格丽特劳伦斯画廊,墨尔本,澳大利亚的维多利亚学院
2010 |试验场2 ,艺术,悉尼,澳大利亚悉尼大学
2010 |试验场,达勒姆美术馆,由苏珊全权-布兰奇,达勒姆,开策划
2010 |艺术@ 500套房,纳达尔管理中心,多伦多
2009 |新鲜油漆,新建筑,艺术MUR ,蒙特利尔
2009 |询盘内,环路画廊,多伦多

2015 | KulttuuriKauppila艺术中心, AIR程序,II ,芬兰
2006-07 |学士后研究,南方卫理公会大学,达拉斯,德克萨斯州
2006 |自我导向视觉艺术驻村,班夫艺术中心,阿尔伯塔

Jaime Angelopoulos(装置 )加拿大

Solo Exhibitions
2014| PARISIAN LAUNDRY, Montreal, QC (March 26- April 26)
2013| Heating the Hammer of Reason, Cambridge Galleries, Curated by Iga Janik, Cambridge, ON
2012| The Thief in Your Sleeve, YYZ Artist Outlet, Toronto, ON
2012| All in All, Grimsby Public Art Gallery, Grimsby, ON 
2012| They Felt So Much It Moved Me, Artspace, Peterborough, ON 
2012| Papier 12: Contemporary Art Fair of Works on Paper, PARISIAN LAUNDRY, Montreal, QC
2012| Some Thing That Exists, Gallery Connexion, Fredericton, NB (with Derrick Piens)
2012| Find It, Burry It, Stride Gallery, Calgary, AB 
2011| They Felt So Much It Moved Me, PARISIAN LAUNDRY, Montreal, QC 
2010| I Thought I Knew You, MFA Thesis, Gales Gallery, York University, Toronto, ON         
2007| Following the Form, Mary Kathryn Doolin Gallery, SMU, Dallas, Texas USA
2006| Coffee & Sugar in Bed, (Performance & Exhibition) The Other Gallery, Banff, AB
2006| New Sculptures, The Other Gallery, The Banff Centre for the Arts, Banff, AB
2005| Making a Spectacle + Wheelbarrow & Ketchup (Performance), Anna Leonowens 
Gallery, Halifax, NS

Group Exhibitions
2013| Art Toronto, Toronto International Art Fair, Toronto (upcoming)
2013| UNTITLED, International Contemporary Art Fair, Miami Beach, Miami (upcoming)
2013| Summertime in Paris, PARISIAN LAUNDRY, Montreal, QC 
2012| PARISIAN LAUNDRY, Montreal, QC 
2012| trans/FORM: Matter as Subject > New Perspectives, Museum of Contemporary Canadian Art (MoCCA), Curated by David Liss, Toronto
2012| Art Spin, Warehouse exhibition, Toronto, ON (Curated by Rui Pimenta)
2012| Summertime in Paris, PARISIAN LAUNDRY @ The Drake Lab, Toronto, ON
2012| Magnetic Impulses, XPACE Cultural Center, Toronto, ON
2011| Toronto International Art Fair, PARISIAN LAUNDRY, Toronto, ON
2011| Experiencing Perspectives, Mercedes-Benz Financial Services, Fort Worth, Texas
2011| Papier 11: Contemporary Art Fair of Works on Paper, Parisian Laundry, Montreal 
2011| The SHOW.11, Cambridge Galleries, Cambridge, ON  
2011| Summertime in Paris, PARISIAN LAUNDRY, Montreal, QC 
2010| Odd Angles, Peak Gallery, Toronto, ON
2010| The Drawing Room, National Drawing Symposium, Pendulum Gallery, Vancouver
2010| Art Spin Toronto, Warehouse Installation, Curated by Rui Pimenta, Toronto, ON
2010| Test Site 2, Victoria College of Art, Margaret Lawrence Gallery, Melbourne, AUS
2010| Test Site 2, Sydney College of Art, Sydney, Australia 
2010| Test Site, Durham Art Gallery, Curated by Suzanne Carte-Blanche, Durham, ON 
2010| Art @ Suite 500, Nadal Management Centre, Toronto, ON 
2009| Fresh Paint, New Construction, Art Mûr, Montreal, QC 
2009| Inquire Within, Loop Gallery, Toronto, ON

2010| M.F.A., York University, Toronto, ON
2005| B.F.A., NSCAD University, Major Fine Art, Minor Art History, Halifax, NS

Artist Residencies
2015| KulttuuriKauppila Art Center, A-I-R program, Ii, Finland
2006-07| Post Baccalaureate Studies, Southern Methodist University, Dallas, TX 
2006 | Self-Directed Visual Arts Residency, The Banff Centre for the Arts, Alberta


Vered Koren维雷德科伦(绘画)以色列
科林·利普( COL音乐 )美国
Juan Sebastian Herrera Sabbagh(摄影)哥伦比亚
Adrienne Marcus Raja(影视、记录片)马来西亚​
reiner heidorn(油画)德国
Kristin Richards(装置、综合材料)美国
Conakry Guinea15人​当代舞蹈团(非洲西部多国)